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    2012 Kawasaki Mule 4010 Trans Diesel

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  1. Hello everyone, My name is Rocky, I'm new to this forum and I have a 2012 Kawasaki Mule 4010 trans diesel. I just recently got this machine. And I love it. I worked and drove an older gas mule before and never ran into this problem... Not long into the first ride the coolant light came on. I ran it a little longer and it continue to stay on. So I started reading about it and took a look at the cooling system. The supply and return line are long as hell and I assumed there was air in them. Well after many hours and gallons of coolant, it still comes on... I have tried parking on a hill, warming it up, I lifted the front end up with tl my overhead winch. Using the breather screw etc. It'll stay off and the fan will kick on when I'm driving up hill, but when I start descending... The light comes on and the fan won't work. If anyone has any ideas, steps to a proper burping, or anything else I'd greatly appreciate it. Also just to be sure I got a new radiator cap, thermostat, and temperature sensor coming in. Thanks
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