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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/2018 in all areas

  1. Thank you for sharing that with me Dan. Ate you satisfied overall with your Joyner vehicle? The community I'm going to be moving into was insistant that I must have a UTV vs an ATV but upon closer examination ... provided I can legally register & insure it here in Florida they have no say in what I drive. I just can't help but to be impressed with either the 3 or 4 cylinder Chery engine mated with the 4 or 5 speed transmission. It strikes me either one is a little rocket ship! Regards, Ralph
    1 point
  2. Thank you my friend for your positive comments about Joyner. I've made the decision to purchase either an 800 or 1100 cc R2 Renegade. The features it offers over most Japanese manufactures particularly the 5 speed trans mated with a 3 or 4 cylinder Chery engine alone peaks my interest.
    1 point
  3. I was kind of on the fence about joyner. UNTILL i stopped by the manufacturer here in Phoenix. AWESOME. The parts manager was super cool and gave us the total run down on the product. For 8 - 9000 you can get a 1000cc sand viper with turbo and power steering. As for the motor. Johndeer uses this same motor. I have one and would recommend you do some research. One of the good points is this is a trans driven vehicle almost any mechanic will be able to work on this motor as this is basically set up just like a car..
    1 point
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