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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/2017 in Posts

  1. Cree light bar combo, flood and spot with 24x3w LED's is awesome. £20 off ebay.
    1 point
  2. Recent update. Light bar mounted and also reverse and interior LED's with a new fusebox mounted under dash with a centre switch plate. Very impressed with the light bar but wish i could fit stalks on steering column to dip, flash and indicate etc. but hey ho.. its doing well. Steering rods were both loose through vibration and hence steering was well out of line. Soon corrected with string and tape rule, adjusting tie rods accordingly. also the bolts on the knuckle were loose. I've opted for dry silicon chain lube on all steering ball joints as rubber boots all rotten and grease attracts dirt so Castrol lube it is. Note:- Chinese Tyres are soft as you can see fronts worn already with just 850km on the clock. Good note is first time out in heavy rain and floods and didn't have any problems, checked following day and engine started normally. 👍
    1 point
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