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  1. UTV General Discussion

    UTV Side by Side General Discussions Forum. Please post UTV related topics in this forum only.

  2. General Discussion - Anything

    You can post threads on anything general in here. This forum does not have to contain anything related to UTVs!

  3. New Members Area

    Are you a new member to UTVBoard.com? Stop by here and introduce yourself. Tell us about yourself, your vehicle, etc.

  4. UTV Ride Reports - Where to Ride

    Report your UTV rides here. Please post as much information, location, pictures, etc..as you can. Post Riding area inquiries. Find out where to ride that UTV!

  5. UTV Events and Rallies

    UTV Events and Rallies - Post any UTV events that you are aware of and share with the community.

  6. UTV News and Information

    UTV News brought to you from UTV sources such as sidexsideaction.com

  7. UTV Pictures and Videos

    Please post your picture threads in here. Don't forget to add your photos to our gallery section. You can include links to videos from other websites.

  8. All Other Off-Road Toys

    This forum is for all the non-UTV toys that you own and want to talk about. ATVs, dune buggies, 4x4s, etc.


  • Latest Posts

    • I'm guessing this information is a trade secret.     
    • Welcome and thanks for your service and sacrifice. You are a true patriot
    • Space Ghost- Welcome. I believe that's about the best intro I've see on any forum. Thank you for your service. I have no opinion on your intended model as I'm not familiar with it. I just Wanted to say Hi and Welcome  Pop Bob
    • I have an Axis 500 4x4 UTV that I was given.  It looks like an almost new machine with 39 hrs on it however it was apparently under water from the hurricane . I have no spark at the plug. I have replaced the plug, the plug wire, & the stator so far. Can anyone advise me of what i need to check and or replace to get this thing running? Any advise would be greatly appreciated.                                Thank You,                             D Maynard   
    • Hi All, New here, but bought a 2022 Sector 750 brand new last march (old stock up here in Canada) It's a good bike so far, but I have noticed a quirk and was wondering if anyone else has had a similar issue?   The issue I've had is if I leave the utv parked on any incline, not even a major incline, and leave it to sit for a while (day or two) it will not start properly. It will turn over and not fire until I press the gas pedal, when it will run and rev up, but if I let off the gas it will die. It will keep doing this until I either start it in gear and drive it for a bit or leave it in neutral and roll it down the hill to flatter ground. where it will have to sit for a while.  If I park it on a decline there is no issue. fuel is not low, it's occurred a couple times now.    Any thoughts on the cause of this? Dealership just says bring it in and let them take a look, at my expense of course. 
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