Report your UTV rides here. Please post as much information, location, pictures, you can. Post Riding area inquiries. Find out where to ride that UTV!
Space Ghost- Welcome. I believe that's about the best intro I've see on any forum. Thank you for your service. I have no opinion on your intended model as I'm not familiar with it. I just Wanted to say Hi and Welcome
Pop Bob
I have an Axis 500 4x4 UTV that I was given. It looks like an almost new machine with 39 hrs on it however it was apparently under water from the hurricane . I have no spark at the plug. I have replaced the plug, the plug wire, & the stator so far. Can anyone advise me of what i need to check and or replace to get this thing running? Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You,
D Maynard
Hi All,
New here, but bought a 2022 Sector 750 brand new last march (old stock up here in Canada)
It's a good bike so far, but I have noticed a quirk and was wondering if anyone else has had a similar issue?
The issue I've had is if I leave the utv parked on any incline, not even a major incline, and leave it to sit for a while (day or two) it will not start properly. It will turn over and not fire until I press the gas pedal, when it will run and rev up, but if I let off the gas it will die. It will keep doing this until I either start it in gear and drive it for a bit or leave it in neutral and roll it down the hill to flatter ground. where it will have to sit for a while.
If I park it on a decline there is no issue. fuel is not low, it's occurred a couple times now.
Any thoughts on the cause of this? Dealership just says bring it in and let them take a look, at my expense of course.