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About sxsadventurerally

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. It’s time for the 10th Annual SXS Adventure Rally on the Rocks. Join us in the best sandbox this side of your childhood playground! Experience the thrill of exploration, the excitement of speed, the sensation of Mother Nature and machines. Come to gorgeous Southern Utah as the best industry Side by Sides and UTV's hit the sand, dunes, rocks and endless vistas of Sand Hollow State Park for the adventure of a lifetime. May is perfect riding weather and is sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face. This SXS/UTV family friendly event will overload the senses with professionally guided trail rides, rock crawling, camping, factory demo rides, rock crawling competitions, scenic rides, education classes, cornhole tournament, music concerts and more. Official expert guided trail rides are just $50 per person per day. Vendor areas, demo rides and entertainment fun open to the public with state park entry. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ENTER THE EVENT TO COME ENJOY THE VENDORS AND DO TEST/DEMO DRIVES WITH INDUSTRY MANUFACTURERS. For more information and full 2024 event schedule and fees. Have questions? Hit the FAQ page: https://SXSAdventureRally.com/faq ~ PURSUE YOUR SXS/UTV PASSION ~ REGISTRATION: https://SXSAdventureRally.com/registration Sponsored by: GBCTires.com – Presenting Sponsor Sponsorship and Vendor opportunities available. Please contact us for more information and bring your business to the true grass roots of the sport! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/SXSAdventureRallyOnTheRocks or @SXSAdventureRallyOnTheRocks Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SXSAdventureRallyOnTheRocks For Additional Information, contact [email protected] or (435) 703-4444‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬
  2. Join us for an epic adventure in the rocks & dunes at Sand Hollow State Park. - America's Most Beautiful SXS & UTV Rally is coming up May 11-13. Bringing SXS & UTV besties together since 2015 for the ultimate sandbox and playground for girls & boys and their toys. Polaris IS BACK! / Yamaha Demo and test rides Vendor shows - Best in the industry will be there! (YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ENTER THE EVENT TO COME ENJOY THE VENDORS AND DO TEST DRIVES.) Professionally guided trail rides Education classes and clinics Cornhole tournaments Senic rides, music, tournaments and more! Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/556805562607273 What: #SXSAdventureRallyontheRocks When: May 11-13, 2023 Where: Sand Hollow State Park, UT More info & registration: SXSAdventureRally.com Questions? (435) 703-4444 This SXS/UTV family friendly event will overload the senses. Come to gorgeous Southern Utah as the best industry SXS and UTV's hit the sand, dunes, rocks and endless vistas of Sand Hollow State park for the adventure of a lifetime. May is perfect riding weather and is sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face! See you soon!
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