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    Joyner Trooper 2009

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  1. joephus


  2. Hi Jeff, Thanks for the tip, I had not checked grounding yet so I'll be doing that today. Had no idea there was a ground point on the horn, probably would have missed that! A previous owner did some type of janky cut-in on the ignition switch to run power to an after market horn so I bet there is some funkiness going on with that horn ground. As it stands now, I made sure I had power to ING1, then checked the power at the fuse boxes and those looked good. Next I checked the winch, lights, and 4x4 switches and the power is dead to all of those. So, if there is a ground after the fuse box, that is a good candidate for trouble. I'll update after I check it out. Thanks again!
  3. Hi all, I'm running into a strange problem with the chassis electrical on my Trooper. I had someone push me off a rock pile I was high centered on and they smashed a few of my taillights. I didn't think much of it at the time as taillights are easy to replace, but the next morning I couldn't turn on my headlights or spotlights, my wench motor wouldn't respond to the in/out switch, and the 4x4 switch won't take me out of 4 wheel. Looking at the Trooper wiring schematic, I can see that all these switches are on the same ING1 circuit so I'm concluding it is some type of electrical issue. I've completely disconnected the rear lights to rule out any type of shorts or anything there, replaced and verified all the fuses in the passenger seat fuse box with a test lamp. Verified the line continuity from wench, head lights, and 4x4 connectors. So Im kinda stuck at this point. I'm going to go ahead and test all the relays in the passenger side fuse box, but none of those are listed in the manual with having anything to do with 4x4 or the wench so I don't think they will be the solution. I do see there is a "capstan relay" listed in the wiring schematics on that circuit, but I have no idea where that is (or really what it is, I know a capstan on a boat is kind of a wench so kind of assuming is a translation thing) on the chassis. I do see something that looks like a rectifier mounted directly behind the wench but not sure what that is either. Which brings me to me last point, I have had malfunctioning rectifier do weird things on other cars so I'm kind of wondering if this might be the case here as well, but I'm not finding anything called a rectifier in the manual. Any one have an idea where it might be on the chassis so I can test it? TIA everyone... hoping someone might have some insight!
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