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About BlueT209

  • Birthday January 26

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  • UTV Brand
    Joyner Trooper T2
  • Interests
    Anything outside, Halloween Haunted House (St. Judes charity), DIY Prop and Scary Stuff building

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  1. Hey Quig - No need to be sorry, your 100% right. I not new to working on engines, but am new too the Trooper stuff. Now that I know that I can get some help from you guys, I am ready to ride. Have a great weekend! BlueT209
  2. Here is a few links: http://www.visitbigbend.com http://www.nationalparkreservations.com/bigbend.php http://bigbendtexasmountains.com http://www.wunderground.com/US/TX/Big_Bend_National_Park.html
  3. stevozz - Thanks for the heads-up! I will check out the gasket. Kinarfi - Thanks, I will stay away from any Tygon products! ricksrb - Next on the list, a glass filter! Thanks. Quig - "With only that few miles, you've probably only used a couple of tanks!!! lmao : )" I could use the excuse that my full-time job and my freelance work keeps me off the trails and in the dog house with the wife or I could use the excuse that I am afraid of breaking the T2, but, you are 100% correct! I want to drive it like I stole it, and if it breaks, well that is better than collecting dust. Thanks for the kick in the nads, I need to get her out more! I need to make some of the technical adjustments mentioned the the other post, but would also like to do some of the mods that I have seen you guys doing. I can't make the trip in June, but when can you guys meet up in Big Bend, Tx or somewhere in New Mexico? (I know, when the weather is cooler) Cheers BlueT209
  4. Guys - I wanted send an update. RUNNING! Here are the details in case it helps someone else. After following the ideas from Lenny, Kinarfi and ricksrb, this is what happened. -Took a empty ketchup bottle, filled with gas and filled up the gas line before the fuel pump. Held up the line and started to pressurize the system by putting my thumb over the open line and turning the key on and off a few times to have the system start up. (felt the pump sucking against my thumb) -After about 4 times of on and off with the key, I attempted to start, which it finally did. -Hooked all lines back up, filled tank just about full of gas, put cap back on....and after a few nice words, she started up! Some of the lessons lessons learned: -Always store for long periods with stabilizer in the tank. -If the gas does ever run out, or you pump it all out like me, you will need to check and make sure to pressurize the system. -I should think about moving my fuel pump. -I should change out my fuel lines with better lines. -The UTVBoard has some great members and have helped me out, way more than I thought. I owe you guys a beer or two. I hope that we can meet up sometime. I got my paperwork for last years jamboree, but was unable to make it. I will see if it is not to late to make it too this years. Need to check time and money, which seems are always short. Again, thanks for the help. This old farm-boy is learning as we go with the troopers. Cheer! Rick
  5. Alright, here is the update. Still no luck. Here's is what I did. 1. Unhooked the fan to hear the fuel pump start up. 2. Felt the fuel pump while cranking and it felt and sounds like it was trying to work. 3. Switched the relays of the fan and fuel pump and tried starting. No luck starting, but still sounds like things turn on as supposed to. 4. Tried to pressurize the system using Lenny's idea, doing the multiple on/off to build up pressure and nothing. (air chuck wrapped with shop rag and 1-5 psi shot into the tank. w and without the gas line hooked up at pressure gauge.) 5. Took off the fuel filter and clamped off hoses. Blow through the filter to see if anything was coming through, and I believe that I blew out all the gas inside. Appears not to be clogged. 6. Put back on the filter and unhooked the gas line before the fuel pump and the hose appeared to be dry. I lowered the hose to get the gas to flow out, and it did. Hooked back up the hose to the pump and tried again. 7. Took off the hose before the pressure gauge and try to start again, no gas came through. Next step is to take off the fuel pump and test it. Sorry if it is a stupid question, but how is that done? Also, after draining the old gas, I only put in about 1.5 gallons of gas. Is this enough? I do have the front end jacked up so what gas is there goes to the back of the fuel cell. I have put on only a few miles, I believe 50-75 and have had it out three time w/out problem. No wires are burned up and it worked fine when I parked it to wash it. Why would the fuel pump go out that quickly? I thought that pressurizing the tank would do the trick, but I still can not get any pressure or gas. I have not adjust the fuel pressure gauge, but maybe I should try? Thanks for any help. Rick
  6. Hi Lenny & Kinarfi - THANKS for the ideas! I am heading that way now and will start tinkering to see what I can mess-up, oh I mean fix. This was exactly what I was I was hoping for, some good ideas before taking off the pump and filter. I will send update how it goes. I can't say thanks enough for this site and the help you guys take the time to do. Cheers! Rick
  7. Hello all- I am having no luck starting my trooper (2009 Trooper T2) and was hoping that someone could help out. Here's the story: The last time out, last fall, everything was fine. Gave it a good wash job and put her up for the winter months. I didn't put any stabilizer in the gas, as I thought I would have her out more often, but didn't. A couple months ago, I got her out and attempted to start, without any luck. Thinking it might be the gas, I took out all the older gas, which works great in the lawn mower, and left her empty until I had a change to mess with it again. Well, I put a couple gallons of gas in today and had a full charged battery and still can not get her to start. so I checked the following: -Checked fuses on firewall and behind drivers seat and all seem ok -Months ago when I tried the first time, I pulled plugs to see if any gas was getting through and from what I remember, I thought they were wet. -When I turn the key, all the instruments are on and the fan comes on then it sounds like it goes off or silent. - I only put in a couple gallons of fresh gas, but I have jacked up the front end so what gas is there will go to the back of the fuel cell. -Called Silverbullet and he said to check the fuel pressure and too see if the fuel pump was pushing anything through. So I pulled off the hose after the fuel pump and cranked the engine, no gas coming through? - Also, no PSI on the pressure gauge, reads 0 I have very few miles on it and would not think that the fuel filter would be bad yet, but before I go any further, pulling off the fuel pump and filter, I was hoping that some one could give me an idea on what to check next. I did pulled off the fuse box and no melted wires and the thing was running fine when I parked it to wash it. I don't have any burnt wires anywhere else and the starter is strong. Does it sound like water got in somewhere or ?? I have checked this forum many times for a solution and could not find one yet. Any ideas/help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Rick
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