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thomas montgomery

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  1. Not perfect, but I ended up going with a mule. Paid 12500 including a top, windshield, winch, and they're delivering it to my house that is 200 miles away. Every other option either had problems with stock or was going to cost me $3, 000+ more dollars. I found one used for 7500 that would seat 3. However the turning radius was huge, so it would be difficult to go through my woods. It was a 2017 Mahindra mpact with 800 miles. There was a lot of miscellaneous rust, guessing it's sad outside for long periods without being cleaned or properly maintained. Plus they wouldn't have title for quite some time because they still owed money on it. Didn't really feel comfortable with that purchase.
  2. Moved to the backwoods of West Virginia 2 years ago and need a side by side that will seat 3. It will fill the following needs: 1. Help me harvest wood to heat our home. It's getting hard to use the wheelbarrow pull the logs back to our woodshed. 2. We're almost finished with the training to become foster parents. The bus stop is about 2 mi away on a single Lane gravel road, so would like to lighten the load on our vehicles in getting the kids from the bus. 3. Some light trail riding. I'm hoping to keep the price under $12,000. I know there are the full size Polaris that seats 3, but after taxes and everything it's close to 15,000! Any suggestions?
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