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Dirt Road Adventures

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Everything posted by Dirt Road Adventures

  1. What are your thoughts on our most popular products? Everyone has loved them so far, just wanted to get your opinion on them. Always room for improvement though. You can find more information, pictures as well as order at http://www.dirtroaddesignllc.com All parts are made from PETG a renewable plastic that is UV, chemical and heat resistant. Parts are designed to take advantage of 3d printings advantages and extensively tested to ensure strength and durability. We take Great Pride in providing the best customer service, as well as helping you to enjoy your off road passion. Any questions feel free to ask
  2. Hello my name is Andy Seddelmeyer and I am from Decatur Indiana. I own a Honda Talon X4. I am also the owner of Dirt Road Design. I make accessories for SXS's but not limited to Honda. dirtroaddesignllc.com is the website if you would like to check it out.
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