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  1. hey guys hopefully someone can help me out here, I just acquired this 2008 joyner renegade with the 0.8L chery motor. Im the 3rd owner since the unit has ran, I have extensive knowledge in automotive repair, electrical repair, and my diagnosing is leading me to replace the ecu on this unit. Now the previous owner has done just this to no avail, while I cant confirm he did not make a mistake and damaged the internal circuitry of this module, visually it is very much brand new. Now the question I'm having a hard time finding an answer for is whether or not these modules come pre-programmed/plug and play ready or require a programming once installed? Also any tips or tricks for this concern will be greatly appreciated. NOTE: according to schematics and connector breakdown info i have, my ecu power's/grounds are good, my injector supply voltage is a solid 12v and will light a test lamp, my ecu injector pull down circuits don't seem to be working, i have a constant 300ish ohms to ground no matter the conditions, never have a pulse.
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