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  1. Don’t waste your time everybody with rpm motorsports, Omaha. They are people that don’t even work on sxs’s. Trying to tell you how to install things. Completely uneducated guy tried to tell me I did not install a mid pipe correctly when it won’t install correctly; that was the reason for the video and the complaint that I called him about. This mid pipe has a 1 inch gap at the rear, and the only way to close it up is with a longer bolt, and to stretch the flex at the Exhaust After one ride, the rear bolts have disappeared, because how much tension there is on the flex And the bolts does not line up at the flange Have a video before and after. And they are telling me that it’s my fault because it does not fit wtf.! What kind of idiotic people are even answering the phones these days.? This guy has probably only read a book and never even driven a motorcycle in his life Don’t waste your time with this bullshit products
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