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Everything posted by darrylsm

  1. I know this post is a tad old , but I bought an R2 because of electrical problems related to the fuse box behind the passenger seat near the ECU. I had to make my own relay/fusebox set up temporarily , but I have ordered one from rick @ silver bullet in the mean time. Heres what I have learned about the ECU harness and rear fuse box setup. I cut the wiring , yes all of it. It was badly burnt and unrecognizable. As far as the fuse box is concerned Basically there are 3 negative potential outputs , those are what turn on the fan , fuel pump , and main relay. There are a couple of wires that are fused , and run to the ECU , one is on all the time , the other keyed. The rest of the wires feed the gauges , the coil packs , and injectors , there could be some more , but the detail escapes me. If your coil pack wiring has the proper + potential , as well as the injectors and computer. You can trick the computer in to starting and running. I bought 4 relays 50 amp from ebay , and a universal fuse box. My renegade is running , and I do plan on repairing it properly when the harness/FB arrives , but I just thought id throw that out there , to let you know there is hope in making these engines run with the ECU. My first thought was to convert it to carb/distributor , but after a little wire tracing (very little thanks to the diagram) and loss of hope of conversion lol my renegade is back on the trails.
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