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Everything posted by Bob1

  1. no sorry i'm not him. I live just a few miles from Lenny in St. George UT. I have a T4 with a custom fox long travel suspension and rear with most if not all the little fixes complete. Next will be a turbo in the next couple of months. I should have intruduced myself i've been over to Lenny's a couple of times to check out his rig.
  2. ya that's him. the diff was 400 and shipping 150 for a total for 550.
  3. Ya the diff is identical to the origanial. This is the website http://www.klung-motor.com . It supposedly desn't need the lenny's diff upgrade. It does feel tighter. shipping took about 2-3 week can't remember for sure.
  4. FYI.. Just installed new rear diff from Klung for $550 and it works great.
  5. Ya I upgraded both front and rear before this problem but now both ring and pinion have several missing teeth. The upgrade worked great by the way.
  6. Anyone have a an extra ring and pinion gear they could part with?
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