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Everything posted by tlutrick

  1. Hey guys, I have a 2012 Kawasaki Mule 4010 Trans Diesel. I need to find replacement for the wiring connector that attaches to the electric assisted steering motor, both male/female. The connector currently comes as part of the larger wiring harness, that is $315+, which absolutely drives me crazy. To spend $300+ for a $4 connector...crazy. Does anyone out there have actual experience finding the connectors for the Mule? I've tried... cheapcycleparts.com newunitedracetech.com motorcyclepartscheap.com cycleterminal.com qualitycycleparts.com The connector looks like a Sumitomo 6189-6953 2-way connector, but the measurements are just slightly different, and it's not in any of Sumitomo's catalogs. There are no part#'s, symbols, or other identifying marks on the connector. I've attached pictures to show what connector I am referring to. I really need to find this and willing to pay a premium for the connectors, just not insanity payment. Thanks be to anyone who can help.
  2. Hey guys, New to the forum and new to having a Mule. I just bought a new 2012 Mule 4010 Trans Diesel and I'm doing some retro fitting. I have a 70yr old father that has some handicap issues and I'm looking at modifying my Mule to be visually remote controlled when he goes hunting. He can drive the Mule away from his stand or duck blind, as not to alert his game. I'm working through a number of issues relative to throttle, steering, braking, and of course safety. One issue that I'm trying to avoid is building servo control of the shift mechanism. Since a Mule will not start while in gear, unlike a Polaris Ranger that has start bypass by pressing on the brake, I'm wondering is there an easy way to do this. I need for the ability to drive it some short distance 1/4 mile maybe, turn it off, hunt for the day, remote start, and drive it back. For safety, the brakes will be actuated when in remote control until I send a command to release the brake. This way if I lose comm, then a spring will naturally apply brake and stop the unit. Now I'm trying to figure out a way to bypass the starting safety to allow me to apply brake, start the Mule which is already in Low gear, release brake, and apply throttle and drive back to the controller. I just acquired the Service Manual from Kawasaki, but curious if I would hurt the Mule mechanically by doing this? Appreciate any advice....
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