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Everything posted by browneyz1968

  1. I just purchased a mule 2510 and trailered it home about 15-20 miles. I drove the mule around just prior to bringing it home and now that I am back, it has no power at all. I put a brand new battery in it when I picked it up. Also, I moved the battery and terminals around just a little after I got it home. I rolled the mule back and forth and turned the wheels both ways and then one of the times I turned the ignition, I did hear one click and it sounded like it came from either under the driver seat or possibly just behind that area. However, it never started. Should I be looking at the neutral safety relay, a loose/dirty connection or possibly a relay? Any ideas would be most appreciated. I've not used a multi meter before but with some brief directions, I could pick it up pretty easily if necessary.
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