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Everything posted by Big'n

  1. Alright guys, I've been thinking about this for a year now and I think I'm going to try a 2000 model pontiac grand am 6cyl auto swap into my trooper. The grand am I used to own had an electrical switch that locked up both front wheels for traction when needed, I think this will give me the power I want and solve the issue of needing a transfer box. I think I might start this project in the fall of this year or next, I have too many irons in the fire right now but I believe this is the answer to an engine swap with more power and auto tranny.
  2. Hi there! This is my first time writing on here but I have to reply about my 08 trooper. I bought mine used 3 ears ago from McCoy powersports in Pikeville Ky. After paying them 7500 bucks for it and the salesman telling me there were no problems getting parts I took it home and commenced taking it for a ride. The first 3 months I had no problems, then it started, brakes-$200,next fenders started breaking $175 for front $200 for rear. After having a heartattac(a real one!) I let it set for 6 months recouping, then a good friend of mine wanted to borrow it and needless to say he wrecked it. He claimed the steering locked up then the wheel became free with no control. After tearing it down all 4 balljoints were dry as powder and rusty inside, the wheelbearings were shot the tierod ends wore out, even the heims were wore out. Since then everything mentioned has been replaced, all 4 axleshafts have been replaced, and I have drilled out the steering knuckles to install larger bolts to hold the ball joints in. Now I am having electrical issues. All this being said, I LOVE MY JOYNER TROOPER!!! I may be a nut but when this thing runs I have been able to outclimb every RZR and Wildcat and Can Am I have ridden with, also I get a lot better fuel economy. I will keep this thing running as long as I can, the sound of this motor is awesome! And changing gears is awesome too, I guess that comes from being a gearhead.OH, I almost forgot, I have also replaced the steering box and rebuilt the steering column.
  3. Hi, they call me Big'n and I just joined this site. I have an '08 Trooper and I ride here in Eastern K and Southwestern WV. I was just wondering why I never see a Joyner at these off road places going up those nasty trails that I see the razors on? I know we get better traction cause we're heavier and have a better 4 wheel drive system. I have been told the Joyner wont hold up, that may be true because I haven't had mine long enough to know. I bought it used and have already had to replace 3 axle shafts, all 4 wheel bearings, all 4 ball joints, all steering components including the steering box. I am now having a problem with my front drive line and my winch, lights and 4x4 switch have quit. I sure hope I get everything lined out and have no more problems! Their is some wonderful country around here that I hope to explore.
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