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Everything posted by Ryan94Wright

  1. Ryan94Wright


  2. Okay guys I am new to this Forum so sorry if I'm posting in the wrong spot or something. Anyways I work on Quads,Dirt bikes Side by Sides etc and a side job and am not new to working on most bikes, however... I have never had one of these UTV's in my shop before. It is a 2003 Polaris Professional 1500... The biggest Problem I am having is that I cannot find an OEM parts Diagram ANYWHERE! I looked on Polaris's own website thinking "They have to have it here" Nope! I tried RockyMountainATV/MC first and they usually have it all but not even they have it. I'm very frustrated currently. The only thing I can find out about this thing is that it's a 2003 and it has a Robin 500 V-Twin air cooled engine in it.
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