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  1. Yasgur


  2. Thanks so much K. I will tckle this job when I get back home. I'm working on a television show in the swamps of the everglades with the swamp people guys lol. I'll be back in toch once the hubs come off lol. Jeff
  3. You were the only reply lol. Haven't tackled the job yet
  4. I'm embarrassed to say but I'm 58 years old and I never changed drum brakes before lol. I have my mule that won't hold fluid. when I drive at top speed my brakes don't work. I can let off the gas and stop ok so that is all that I have been doing. There doesn't seem to be any leaks around maser cylinder. I'm dreading that I will screw something up trying to change the brakes. They have never been serviced. Only oil, fuel and air filter maintenance. I looked on youtube but no videos of this model online. I feel capable to do the job based on videos that I have seen with other drum changes. My question here is what advice can you give me on this job? What to look for and is it just a drum replacement kit that I need? Do the cylinders come with it? I'm assuming that's where they are leaking at although I see no evidence of leaking from the OUTSIDE of the hub. My Kawasaki dealer estimates 7-800 dollars to repair without having seen it. I can't pay that but I'd like to try it myself. What I DON'T want to have happen is that I pull the hubs and screw it all up and not be able to put it back together. Thanks in advance. And don't laugh Jeff
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