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Bill L

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Everything posted by Bill L

  1. Well I found the problem, first the wire diagram in the repair manual I have was not the same as the wiring in my vehicle. The problem I found the ground wire on the receptacle was never hooked up before they molded the unit. Since everything was waterproof the problem could not be seen. Now it seems the DC port is not available. I have the part number but a search shows the part but nothing more. I ordered a waterproof unit for a boat and will make it work.
  2. I have a 2018 Hisun Sector 250 that the DC power port has no power. I don't think it ever did so that was my bad for never trying something in the port. I have a repair manual, not sure it covers a 2018 year, but the wire diagram shows the power port on the same line/fuse as the horn and the horn works. Should it have power with the key off or only when running? Any ideas? Thanks Bill L
  3. Bill L

    Bill L

  4. I have a 2018 Hisun Sector 250 that needs a new starter. Has anyone replaced one of these starters? Can it be done without taking a lot off the engine? Any advice, help of comments would help. Thanks
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