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Everything posted by Hisunsadman

  1. I have recently acquired a 2012 CFMOTO 500 CC side by side. The previous owner said that it ran great but had a gas leak by the throttle body that caught fire and ruined most of the parts on top. It also melted the cover and fan for the stator. Does anyone know of a good place to get all of these parts? I usually use Amazon for all my 2020 hisun parts, but can't really find the ones I need for this. If anyone has any ideas I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance
  2. There is a neutral safety switch on the brake. Check the wires on it
  3. also had a problem with occasional momentary stalling. Usually 1 or 2 times in a 30 min ride. Turned out POS battery cable was loose. Found the problem when it wouldn't start (like it had no battery). Tighten it up and haven't had to do a reset since
  4. Basically start the atv and put it to the floor. When the rev limiter hits, turn off ignition and keep petal to floor until all is nice and quite again. It resets the idle or something. I've done it twice because it wouldn't run at idle, and once after a week of choppy idle when cold. All three times idle returned to like when the first time started it new.
  5. Every hisun I've seen is difficult to shift. Linkage adjustment makes it a little easier but still have to jiggle when shifting
  6. So far 👍. It did have a moment where it wouldn't idle. I called the shop and he had me do a wot kill reset and everything great since. Hopefully no more problems
  7. Sorry I just seen this. But I gave them the receipts and they covered it under warranty. Rebuilt the whole motor. Should be ready to pick up this afternoon. Thanks for the input strike, I'll let you know how it pans out. Hopefully we get it back before the foot of snow next week. Would love to ride in it. We never see any in east Texas
  8. Hisunsadman


  9. I did the oil change at 50 and lubed everything by the book. I just didn't keep the receipts. The wife is looking for them through the credit card but I dunno. Hopefully I find them I will definitely keep them from now on
  10. Exactly thats why I was like wth man. Its got 161 next oil change isn't until 200. I think I'm just going to pencil in the maintenance log at the back and that better work. These people are ridiculous; 160 hrs out of a 15k machine I mean come on. I am going to report them to the bbb
  11. shop said zero compression. Upon further inspection found timing chain very loose and said it needed a cam tensioner. Hisun wants the maintenence records to cover the warranty so I'm trying to find receipts from 6 months ago. But I will keep yall updated BTW its a 2020 hisun sector 750. As soon as I get it right I'm getting rid of this dump and getting a Polaris. I should have known better than getting Chinese crap
  12. Last October we were sitting at an idle on a Sunday morning and it died for the first time since we time since we bought it new I've already sent it to the shop because it's under warranty after trying to fix it. New fuel injector new spark plug couldn't do a compression check because I couldn't find anything to fit it but now that it's at the shop I have a feeling that the exhaust valves tighten themselves up and they are not closing anybody ever have this problem?
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