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Everything posted by Dawn

  1. Thank you for your replies. Bobby, let me know what you find out in the Dallas, TX warehouse where they build the UTV's Thanks a bunch!! John1139, thank you for your comment! Dawn
  2. Thank you for the feedback. I'll check out the "Mud Bog" Forums" thank you again!! Dawn
  3. Have you had good luck with CFMOTO engines. I'm looking into a BMX 500cc UTV either a 2-seater or 4 seater just wondering on this. I found the UTV on http://www.bestpriceatv.com Dawn
  4. Just a Little FYI, Yammaha Rhino's may be having a re-call on their machines, especially the used ones. Alot of death's and accidents reported. Not trying to discourage, but been reading a few articles about it, and poor design. It tips easy, (from what I'm reading and doing research on)
  5. Is there anyone out there who owns a BMX UTV 500cc? CFMOTO is the motor in the UTV. I'm very seriously intrested in buying one. Any feedback, or any information on this brand? the website I found it on is http://www.bestpriceatv.com If you click on UTV on the left hand side, you'll see "UTV" and this is where I've been looking. Thank you. Dawn
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