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About Dirtrunner

  • Birthday January 18

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  1. I have a new polaris trail premium coming in about a month from now (this will be my first sxs) so I have been looking on Amazon for accessories. One of the things I have seen is that many of the prices are less expensive than the oem equivalent. The question I have is are there any good third party winches or should I stick with a oem one. I would rather spend 200 for a winch than 500 for a oem one if possible.
  2. I have a new trail premium coming in about a month or so (this will be my first sxs). I was looking on Amazon for accessories and many of the third party accessories are far less expensive than polaris equivalent. The big one I am looking at are winches. The lowest price winch is only 3500k and it is 499. My question is are there any good third party winches or should I stick with the oem model. Also would prefer synthetic because it is safer.
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