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Robert G1

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Everything posted by Robert G1

  1. Update, I'm in the midst of changing the clutch. I bought replacement parts. I noticed they included a one way bearing, but when I took off the old, there was no bearing. Do I put the new one on. I have an '08 Massimo 700. Technically, isssss it suppose to have one? Thank you
  2. That will be fun when I get to the bottom ones. They all seem to just spin. I will try. thanks
  3. two. I think it could be the clutch. I was trying to get to the clutch belt, but the cover bolts would not loosen, they just kept spinning. any advise?
  4. I thought and read about the seatbelt thing, I tried no luck. The red light is about two wheel/four wheel. I think it might be The fuel pump. I have something similar to this. I was thinking changing to a micro electric pump. Any advise would be greatly appreciated
  5. Hi all. I'm new to the site. A few years ago I bought a used Massimo. Recently I've had a issue driving above 25mph. The engine won't go any faster. In fact it seems to sputter and hesitate. The whole engine shakes. I've changed air filter.oil,oil filter, throttle cable oil/air cooler,and carburetor and still no luck. I was wondering, could it be the fuel pump. Should I invest in an electric fuel pump? I'm just not sure. It starts fine and revs while in neutral. Any advice would be great. Thank you VID_20220722_110957473.mp4
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