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Hello all,

I was wanted to ask if UTVs are street legal in Pike County, Kentucky, or do they make a street legal kit? We just moved to Pike county a few months ago. I know in Mingo County, West Virginia you can ride them on the street as long as you have bought a Hatfield and McCoy trail pass and I live right on the border. I always see people riding their ATVs around and I was wondering if it was legal.



Hello all,

I was wanted to ask if UTVs are street legal in Pike County, Kentucky, or do they make a street legal kit? We just moved to Pike county a few months ago. I know in Mingo County, West Virginia you can ride them on the street as long as you have bought a Hatfield and McCoy trail pass and I live right on the border. I always see people riding their ATVs around and I was wondering if it was legal.


Hear is what I found There is a phone number at the bottom # 4741 - KENTUCKY: ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLE (ATV) USE RULES

Kentucky law:

"All-terrain vehicle" means any motor vehicle for off-road use, which is fifty (50) inches or less in width; has a dry weight of six hundred (600) pounds or less; travels on three (3) or more low pressure tires; is designed for operator use only with no passengers; and has a seat or saddle designed to be straddled by the operator, and handle bars for steering control.

The "Rules of the Road" for using ATVs include:

  • No person shall operate an all-terrain vehicle upon any public highway or roadway or upon the right-of-way of any public highway or roadway.
  • Exception: Persons may operate an ATV on any two-lane public highway, if the operator is engaged in farm or agricultural-related activities, construction, road maintenance, or snow removal. Persons not engaged in one of these activities may operate an ATV on any two-lane public highway in order to cross the highway, but may not travel on the highway for more than 2/10 of a mile.
  • Persons who operate an ATV on a public highway must have a valid operator's license and comply with all traffic regulations; must have at least one headlight and two taillights illuminated at all times; and may only operate the ATV during daylight hours, unless engaged in snow removal or emergency road maintenance.
  • <P style="MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px">No person shall operate an all-terrain vehicle on any public or private property without the consent of the landowner, tenant, or governmental agency responsible for the property, and unless the operator wears approved protective headgear, in the manner prescribed by the secretary of the Transportation Cabinet, at all times that the vehicle is in motion. The approved headgear requirement shall not apply when the operator of the all-terrain vehicle is engaged in:

    - Farm or agriculture related activities;

    - Mining or mining exploration activities;

    - Logging activities;

    - Any other business, commercial, or industrial activity; or

    - Use of that vehicle on private property.

  • The Transportation Cabinet may designate, and a city or county government may designate, those public highways, segments of public highways, and adjoining rights-of-way of public highways under its jurisdiction where all-terrain vehicles that are prohibited may be operated.
  • No person under the age of sixteen (16) years shall operate an all-terrain vehicle with an engine size exceeding ninety (90) cubic centimeters displacement, nor shall any person under the age of sixteen (16) years operate an all-terrain vehicle except under direct parental supervision.
  • No person under the age of twelve (12) years shall operate an all-terrain vehicle with an engine size exceeding seventy (70) cubic centimeters displacement.
  • A person cannot operate an all-terrain vehicle under this subsection unless the all-terrain vehicle has at least one headlight and two taillights, which must be illuminated at all times the vehicle is in operation.
  • A person operating an all-terrain vehicle under this subsection must restrict the operation to daylight hours, except when engaged in snow removal.

Division of Driver Safety

200 Mero Street, Station W3-22-01

Frankfort, Kentucky 40622



– May 2006, from www.transportation.ky.gov/drlic/Drivers_Manual/Sections/dm4.

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