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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/14/2023 in all areas

  1. Great idea! If Silent Rider sells the exhaust tip only, I highly recommend anyone who has any of these Hisun variants that use that muffler replace those tips. That alone will greatly reduce the extreme muffler temp and the emitting radiant heat problem. I did make a better heat shield of slightly larger size over the muffler for extra redundancy and heat deflection. Unfortunately, after more testing, I was unable to overcome the other issue of the heat from the pipe near the drive shaft which burned and melted the shaft boot. That section of pipe was then wrapped along with an additional shield clamped on over that. Some hard testing seems to show it fixed that problem. Pulled over several times to check it with engine still running and I was able to actually place my hand over that boot and found it to be just a little warm. Feel comfortable to go ahead and replaced that boot now. Attached are more photos to illustrate this reply
    1 point
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