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Everything posted by bjones

  1. Yea I may set valves to loose .006. I have a hotter plug and closed gap to ,025 instead of .030. I have almost an hr. on the clock run time and hasn't fouled yet so we will see. Mule only has 350 yrs so not worn out and has been taken care of by me since owning it about 7 yrs. Thanks again for replying.
  2. The valve specks are .0039 to .0059 and dealer told me initially they set them a little tight and I didn't question it. I hate to hear a valve tick but I may set them at .007 and see what happens. Funny it didn't foul until dealer tightened them down to around .002. Again I have read on several sites that the mule is bad to do this and my friends does same thing. I always run no corn gas and add seafoam or marvil mystery oil. Thanks for reply
  3. No smoke and doesn't smell like the carb is rich exhaust muffler pipe is black. I ran it out on the road for about 3 miles and pulled plug and it looked pretty good. Like a lot of guys my mule idles a lot and puttering around the yard a lot so not a lot of wide open throttle. My friend has a mule just like mine and it does same thing. When I bought the mule used it had a valve ticking but ran fine. I ran the mule like this for probably a yr or so and never fouled a plug. Took it to a dealer and they adjusted the valves and that is when the plug fouling began. Have had dealer re-adjust since then and same thing. I went in and checked valves myself they were about .002 and I loosened them up to .005 and am going to see if that helps before I do the carb cleaning adjusting. Thanks for your replys.
  4. Yea that is my next move but doesn't seem to be rich but may be. I have read and heard that the 610 is bad to foul plugs. Thanks for the reply.
  5. 2007 610 mule will foul a pug after 1 hr of run time on clock. Plug will be black with sut. Buddy go a 610 and it does same thing. Have had dealer adjust valves twice and still does it. When i bought mule valves were ticking and I ran it that way for some time and took it in and dealer adjusted valves and that is when problem started. I rechecked valves and the were tight and I adjusted to .005 and still fouls plug. I always use no ethenal gas and have gone to a hotter plug. I have read that this is a common problem with mule. Any help appreciated.
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