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albert schewe

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About albert schewe

  • Birthday 05/18/1949

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  1. albert schewe

    albert schewe

  2. no not yet but i did change it with a used one that worked and i got a plug tester on the line and i also had a screw driver in my hand no bite and i know the wires going to it i tested them while turning the engine over nothing and i traced the wires back to the cdi the black /white which goes to the cdi and the black / blue which that comes from ignition and i can hear the relay click when i turn on the key and those two wires are dead but im getting power to the cdi on pin 10 which is green / black and as i said this is a new cdi theirs got to be another sensor that is sending a message not to fire but im not sure
  3. my name is albert i have in my shop a hs700utv that im getting no fire to coil i replaced the cdi and checked the relays and ignition switch out getting power to the cdi but nothing to coil and i didn't find any broken wires. they said that it was running fine and then it just stopped and wasn't getting any power to the coil is their another sensor on here that will stop it from firing i have looked at a wiring diagram but im not seeing anything different from what i know i checked the cdi and im getting fire to it but not to coil and this is a second coil no difference and also this is a delphi cdi 2 port is their any way to check it i know im getting power to the black plug in cdi on the # 10 the green and black wire but nothing else the blue and black wire is opposite of it the emergency brake and neutral switch is working is their a obd II plug for this i found one in back of pickup bed but i cant find a scanner but im not sure if it is one and im getting power to the stator the threee wires im at a lost here
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