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Posts posted by Quig

  1. Hello Silverbullet. Sure wish you would put the cost in your emails when you share a new product with us.


    rocmoc n AZ

    Hi Guys,, just talked to Rick at Silverbullet. He will be on later with prices. He also said he will give 10% discount to our members. has front & rear wheel bearings in stock. Still working on a ball joint solution, might be real soon. Rick is great guy,he is trying to keep all our joyner parts coming.

  2. A few more miles south and you would have been in Utah. Come back in when it's warm and I'll introduce you to American Fork Canyon and some other beautiful mountains.


    Well, if you are talking to Quig? That might happen,, You answered Rocmoc? Anyway, would love to come see your mts. Wife is ill, so would have to figure sometime when I could get someone to be with her, but will try, Always looking for new places, & buds who know where to ride,,,, Thanks...Quig

  3. Well, big storm came in, wind,snow,drifts, roads closed,schools closed, supposed to get worse tonite & wed. 25 below with wind chill, really sucks.

    Well, 1st real ride in the snow,,Wow! What a blast! enclosure worked great, no wind, not bad tempature inside . Handled real well, until snow got up to undercarriage, 12" was fine, but deeper,started worrying, & it started to high center. Cookies, & hills were a blast. Front end & engine compartment completely packed with snow. Wheels & tires look like powder donuts.

  4. We are in San Diego and rain arrived. Looked at the weather at home, dry and beautiful. Home on Monday!

    How much snow? We are with friend who live in St. Charles, Id and will be returning home starting Monday.

    rocmoc n AZ


    2" maybe, melting off fast. mts were supposed to get 5 to 10" I live close to TwinFalls. Not familar with St. Charles?

  5. Hey Quig, your probaly more bored now with out taste of music and seen as how your missing us all, the song below is just for you.

    I step out for a minute, you guys go nuts!! lmao,, see, lots of bored people, lets keep it going, at least once a day? lol, Enjoyed it all!! I'm younger than I thought, "59"

  6. does your enclosure have the canvas sides and come from joyner? I purchased a kit for my T-4 from a guy that bought some at the joyner auction and it had the windsheild,hard top,rear widow and canvas sides but came with no directions on how to hang the top of the sides.Not sure if I will use them anyway but would be nice to know.

    Mine is trooper 2,, I got one of brostars new ones. It is fantastic, it is completely enclosed,& great instructions on how to install. But, it is also one piece. He put up pics on forum.

  7. Nice to see something here.I was beginning to think everyone else was out riding and I was stuck here by myself.(LOL)

    I got enclosure on, & lexan windshield,, need to go somewhere!! Also waiting on ball joints, mine should be ok, I hope for awhile. Just cold & windy here, no snow yet..

    Have some new foldable mirrors coming, need longer arms on them because of enclosure, found some in jc whitney for jeep.

  8. I see that & agree, I'll be posting some photos in a while that may get me harassed or nick named Mr. Clean, I'll delete this later if it doesn't stir up something.


    Would love to just bs, swap stories. anything? Thanks. Always interested in how to's & what to's,,,Quig

  9. I ordered mine from JMC, had them in 3 days. Unless they are out now?

    Dumb old "Quig" back!! I didn't get ball joints, I got tie rod ends, sorry!! You will learn about me the longer I'm here,, lmao, I do need ball joints, so lmk, if we find them?

  10. please help somebody. if anybody could take a picture of their fuse box under the dash of how the fuses line up or what amp fuse belong where i would greatly appreciate it. i finally got smart and pulled all my fuses out, cleaned the terminals and applied dielectric grease. but got real stupid and forgot how they go in..or what goes where...please help. it's a 2009 trooper t2.

    thank you,


    Hi, mine is 2008, But it has schematic on inside of cover, might ck?

  11. We maybe taking the Trooper, 90% sure, to Id next June/July.

    rocmoc n AZ

    Sweet, let me know, I have no schedule!! Will try to plan some rides , Or just tag along with you!! lol

    PS,, I'm still learning trooper. Rode dirt bikes 30 plus yrs ago, quite abit different. & I'm 30 plus yrs older, & safer???

  12. Hi everyone, just joined tonight. I am so glad to find this site, its nice to join in with other Joyner owners. I live here in Safford Az, moved here from Pocono mtn in Pa. I have 2 Troopers t-2 and one Viper 1100. To me once you get the little stuff worked out of them, they are a awesome, I cannot wait to get to know everybody here. I hope that everybody had a great weekend and hope to talk to you soon.


    Hi, I'm pretty new too, but enjoying trooper & forum,, hope you do too!! Quig,, from Idaho

  13. Believe me, friend, Gman is correct.

    I really hope so!! I love my joyner,want to keep it running, possibly buy new one if they make them. Was not doubting anyone just curious who everyone is, & where they get info? & why we can't know anything about the new members? So, hope to hear alot more real soon,, Thanks ,,,,Quig

  14. Joyner China is very much in business, contrary to Mr. Craig's post.

    JMC is selling HiSun vehicles, which they have rebranded as JMC (Joyner Motor Company). Also sold under BennChe, Diamo, SunL, Roketa, Powersports Max, etc. names. Tons of less than reputable companies all selling the same machine.........Oh well.

    Joyner is on it's way back to the USA in a big way.

    Joyner owners, hang in there.


    Ok, I'm new here and to Joyner too. But, Who are these people claiming to know inside info? Jeff ,I guess is with jmc? gman? who are you? Did I miss something? If so, sorry..,, Quig

    PS, Hope gman is correct.

  15. Doesn't count until 2951 km, LOL! Just kidding, that's a lot of riding. I don't ride until it's ABOVE 60 degs.

    rocmoc n AZ

    Yes, but you are spoiled!!! lmao, : ) Took early retirement, so riding all I can. Finding all kinds of beautiful country, right where I've lived all my life. Never was big game hunter, so didn't go into mts, or back country, now I'm seeing it all. Love it.

  16. Wow, turned 2000 KM today. Purchased my Trooper in Dec. '08. How many other members?

    rocmoc n AZ

    Bought mine in july 2010, had 950 km on it, I now have 2368km, been real busy enjoying my new toy.Absolutely love it, can't wait to get enclosure on it, & ride in cold. Going fri, supposed to be 60 degs, pretty tough. But cold due anytime. Quig

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