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Everything posted by rwwiefer

  1. Morning all from Az, getting my commando ready for my Elk hunt in September, noticed a torn CV boot on right front. Never had a CV joint not popping out so hard. Ended up using a log chain to snap it, finally got it out but broke the cir-clip. (C-Clip) Any idea what size or where to get one. I kick my self in the ass for not taking one of these off an old cv axle I replaced a couple years ago.
  2. I believe this unit fits a few sxs Broke another electric locker for 2 - 4 wd. For some reason this one is not popping off after removing the 2 screws. Its been 5-7 years ago since I replaced , Is Lenny still around he had posted pics of a manual cable pull system that I think I would like to fab up. Any info out there.
  3. 2x4 Commando 2006, 650cc. with maual dump bed. Looks like my LR CV is dry. I've pulled these CV's out of the Class 1 cars we ran so should be about the same principal with these I think. If any one has a you tube vid on pulling CV out and rebuilding that would be awesome. There still feels like a 1/2" of play maybe in the dif gears. Is that to much. Are the rear CV's available?
  4. Correct, Commando always locked. I do drive on pavement some from cabin to the BLM land but take it very easy when turning. I will drain fluid and check the Diff fluid for metal. I completely forgot about the CV jt could be the culprit and a WHOLE lot cheaper if they are available for my machine.
  5. I have a 2006 2x4 Commando 650. This past weekend I noticed a clunking type noise coming from the rear diff when turning sharp and more so when backing up in a turn. There does seem to be some side play. It is full of fluid. What should I look for before hunting season gets me stranded.
  6. rwwiefer


  7. Should have ask this as well, any recommendation for anti freeze/ brand, mixture.
  8. Sorry thought the pic would attach Lucas SAE 80w90
  9. this okay to run in my 2006 650 4x2 Commando rear axle.
  10. I can take a couple pics tonight if you still need them.
  11. Anyone know how much timing I can run on a 2006 650cc.
  12. On my 2006 650 Commando the dash display went out for a while then back on, happen a couple more times now it is OUT. Any ideas what to look for, I traced the wiring to make sure nothing got snagged or cut. Everything looks fine. Is there away to check this to see if it burned out maybe.
  13. Searched some for this but not seeing what I'm looking for. I have a 2006 Commando 650, I just re tro fitted a Polaris Razor rack and pinion in it and need to change the tie rod ends. What I would prefer is changing them to SAE threads. The Razor rack is set for 5/8" bore heims which I have and I can make my own aluminum tie rods from scrap tubing. I have all sae taps so that is why I prefer changing the tie rods ends to sae. I thought about drilling the spindles and using heims there as well but I think I need to keep the higher height of the tie rod ends to keep my Bump steer to a minimum. Once I get this complete I will post some pics of the rack and how I mounted it. It appears I will sure improve the turning radius.
  14. I ended up buying a new carb from Silver Bullet. For thos e interested I had a co worker translate the box it came in and did alittle research and appears the model number is #CSP30, fits Suzuki / cars with a 462Q engine. Was unable to research which actual cars this motor is in. If anyone is bored and wants to add to this I would like to know in case I need a carb kit later on or jets.
  15. Finally got back to this 4x4 black box, you were right about moisture, it was toast so I did some reseach and found one on ebay for $70.00 off a Artic Cat that works great. I did silicone this one up real good. Never did find a fuse that supposedly is under the pass seat.
  16. I know this topic is kinda old, but has anyone put a different rack on the Commando 650 (C2) 2006. My is getting pretty sloppy and takes a 1/2 acre to do a full 360 anyway. Used mostly for hunting in the Mtns in Az and can be a pain turning around on top of a mtn trail with drop offs...
  17. Hey guys, I have 2006 650 Commando, Need to rebuild the carb, does anyone know of a kit for them. I read somewhere in a thread a few months back about what carb fit the 650 from a car- geo maybe. I have not used the 650 since last January on a hunt and now the carb is plugged up. I'm sure I can clean it but once I takle it apart the seals/gasket will probally be toast. Any help would be appreciated.
  18. Does anyone have any picture of the hydraulic clutch set up. Moutning of slave cylinder and master cylinder. Having trouble finding a suitable location to mount the master cylinder and have the right angle for the push rod. Please help.
  19. Hey guys, I picked up a used slave cyclinder with a bracket on ebay, I believe it was off a trooper. I alreay had a 7/8 CNC master cylinder off a class 1600 off road buggy. The bracket does fit the hols in the tranny but won't work on my commando because of the stack exhaust. Does anyone have some pictures of how there slave and master cylinder are mounted. Fabrication is not a problem but with the clutch angle and getting the master low enough for the proper throw it is pretty close to the tie rod. In a violate nose dive not sure if it would hit.
  20. Un able to locate fuses for the front diff in a 06 commando, I haven't pulled the roll cage or hood yet to really get in there with a flash light. I read somewhere it should be under pass seat but the only one I found was an inline for main power to dash. Front Diff doesn't engage and no clicking sound.
  21. I have been searching the Chinese market on master cylinders in general, getting close. One thing I have been finding is most of the parts on these are directly off import cars, quad's and motorcycles. Just havn't found the exact bolt pattern yet. Left messages at 3 dealers in Az but no one responds. Thought about maybe installing a line lock like they use in drag racing for a parking brake option.
  22. I actually can not hear anything, I will try to trouble shoot some this weekend to see if there is even 12 volts going to the diff when I switch to 4x4.
  23. No one answer at Silver Bullet, all day.
  24. Just realized my front diff doesn't seem to work anymore on my 2006 Commando, anyone have some expierence on trouble shooting the issue.
  25. Anyone know what rebuild kit will work in a e brake master cylinder for a 2006 Commamndo
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