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Dean Sokoll

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Everything posted by Dean Sokoll

  1. Pull your speed limiter and see if it runs better. It’s next to the battery, the box says speed limiter on it. Unplug and take it for a spin. I changed a bunch of stuff on mine until I tried that. I believe it limits the speed in which the machine backs up.
  2. I have a 2019 Hisun axis 500. About two weeks ago it started sputtering when you accelerate. I bought it used in January. I started looking on forums and started on a journey to figure it out. the machine has 300 miles on it. I looked at the driver seat belt safety switch. Then I changed the fuel injector because people were saying they were going bad after about 250 miles. It still had the original gas filter, so I changed that. No difference! Then I changed the air filter because it was pretty dirty. Today I changed the plug. Same problem.. I looked under the hood and seen the speed limiter. I unhooked it and that appears to be the problem. It runs smooth and accelerates nicely. I don’t go off road with it, I bought it to plow my property and take rides through the neighborhood behind us with my grandkids. I think I’m just gonna leave it unplugged. I do feel that all the other things I did were necessary anyway. hope this helps somebody
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