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Everything posted by Casey

  1. I took a picture of it but I can't figure out how to post it here. I'm currently not home to take another one but it is dripping out of a steel nipple that points straight down near the oil filter under the driver's seat. It just drips slowly and after sitting for about three weeks in my barn it looks like at least a quart has dripped out.
  2. Mine is doing the same thing! Why isn't their any info for these things online? Same story with me. Bought it for cheap from a family member that couldn't get it running. I got it running but oil was very low. I added oil and it leaks from a tube on the bottom of the engine near the filter.
  3. Did you solve the issue? I have a 2012 ys400 and it's doing exactly what you described. I can't find any helpful information online for this thing.
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