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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/04/2020 in all areas

  1. Joe, I was using PCHUD for several years but the problem with that was you needed to be running a 32 bit OS which I did in a VM enviroment, This new software is based off of PCHUD except can be used on a 64 bit OS. So I made the switch to the new software from Elmu and once I ran it through it's paces I changed the PCHUD tutorial to HUD ECU Hacker software. I am not looking to screw anyone over and have tested this software and the cables I made on several different machines. I am not the creator of the software but I did write up that tutorial as I do contract work for a local Bennche/Massimo/Odes/Intimidator dealer. Everything listed that I link to purchase I have verified it does work w/o issues on these machines.
    1 point
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