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Everything posted by gates98

  1. gates98


  2. After not riding for awhile kept having problems with it barely running checked fuel pressure and seen it was only about 20 psi changed filter and pump still the same ended up disconnecting power and ground from pump running my own ground and power from battery and dash mounted switch haven't had a problem since and since I'm running a turbo had to disconnect post o2 sensor
  3. Ok thanks didn't know they made a kit kinda figured the only way was to remove bushing but it was gonna be a pain I wrapped the top and bottom of shaft in wet rags as well as input shaft and welded gusset in everything seems fine time will tell ... thanks again
  4. Ok I'm finally getting around to beefing up fork but can't seem to get it out of trans case any ideas thanks
  5. when it starts doin its thing unplug both of them i left mine unplugged and never had another issue
  6. try unplugging ur O2 sensors for some reason it seemed to clear mine up when it was doin the intermit power loss
  7. UPDATE after almost two years of picking this thing apart i found out what was causing my intermitant power loss or limp home mode the factory had my O2 Sensors hooked up backwards so finally it runs as it should thanks for all the help
  8. still having this issue does anyone know what the values are supposed to be for the speed sensor thanks
  9. I did the same thing in a post earlier this year and everything lined back up just fine
  10. ok thanks alot i talked to snowman yesterday and he explained how to put the fan on its own circuit ill be finishing that up today ill let you guys know how it turns out thanks again for everyones help
  11. yeah looks like they jump the power from the fan to the fuel pump
  12. ok i checked the fuel pump current with the fan fuse in it was 13.20vdc and with the fuse out it was 13.75 vdc so whats this mean
  13. they are on theyre own circuit arent they there is separet fuses for each idk im just confused lol
  14. well i check the harness from the fan to the fuse box no shorts any where the fan plug was wet so i dried it out wired everything back up and my fuel pressure would not go above 20 psi again untill i pulled the fan fuse the pressure jumped right up to 50 psi put the fuse back in and that white wire and fan fuse still keeps getting hot i dont understand how the fuel pump and the fan are connected
  15. any ideas on y the fan fuse would have caused the fuel pump to drop in pressure or do you think it was two separate problems ..... i guess im going to start by checkin all the wires from the fan and check all my grounds do you know how many grounds there are and where they are
  16. went for a ride today and after bout 2 hours of having a blast the trooper just started running really ruff wouldnt except any fuel and it just shut off check fuel pressure it was under 20 psi and went to check fuses and the fan fuse actually melted the the wire and the fuse without blowin the fuse so i towed it home started messin with it i pulled the fan fuse out and turned the key it fired right up lokked at the fuel ressure it was bout 62 psi put the fan fuse back in the fan worked but the fuse and the realy and the white wire gets really hot like its shorted out any ideas on how this would have made me loose fuel pressure or wha could be the problem in general
  17. i just found out my fuel pump was bad it had a glitch in it where it would only pump half the volume sometimes
  18. I still have the power loss problem still havent found the source been talking with casey but now im wondering if the ecu is just bad
  19. I only know of the 2 grease fittings on each trailing arm and the one on the front driveshaft carrier bearing is all the grease fittings on these troopers Thanks
  20. will do buddy thanks again
  21. hey thanks alot i guess i do have the right book i found what i was lookin for now just gotta find the time to test it
  22. k ill check and c if its in mine thanks
  23. i do have one but i dont think its for my 09 t2
  24. i cant find any info on the tps in the book i have to do sum more diggin
  25. i dont have my camera rightnow but it was really simple all i did was take a grinder and grind off the welds holding the bung on the cage did that to all 4 corners then i got my pipe cutter and took 3/4 in off the front of the cage and bout 2 1/2 off the back and it worked out perfectly dropped it just enough took look alot better but still have sufficent head room in case the cage would get mashed in event of a roll over it wasnt the centering of the wheel that drove me nutz is was how high up it felt like i was reachin for it
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