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Kawasaki Mule 4010 4x4 gas engine 2010 year model

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Guest onioncreek1

I own two Kawasaki Mule 4010 4x4 gas engine 2010 models, both of which I bought new in 2010.

When I brake, the engine dies. This is now happening with both of them. No problem with the gasoline. I use the same gas source for all other gas-powered equipment on this ranch. Filters are clean and/or new. Serviced weekly. Not used for recreation but rather for ranch work in W Texas.

The first of these two Mules that I bought in 2010 never ran right from the delivery date. Kawasaki replaced throttle body assembly and it ran ok for a short while, then started doing the same thing.

It is currently in the Kawasaki dealer shop where they are trying to figure out what is wrong with it. It seems to me that this problem must have something to do with the fuel injection.

Anyone know anything about this issue, please feel free to contact me directly. This is my first post to this forum.


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