2015 MSU-500 crank - no start
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My 2018 Hisun sector crew engine cut off after about 15 minutes run. There is no indicator of what is wrong, no error code just die and won't restart until it cool down. I notice that the fan is not running but the temp indicator is on low temp, no overheat indicator. I checked the radiator fluid, it is cool to touch.
Cooling fans are working, I can hear it running once awhile if I can get the engine warm up enough. Thank you for all the help.
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2013 Massimo MSU 500
So, I ordered an injector for this thing and it was supposed to be the right one. Of course when I received it, it was different. So here's my question, will a four hole injector work in the place of a two Hole, or will this cause issues?
By Gonzo
I have a problem maybe similar to the one below on the forum that like him is driving me crazy. Mule seems to run fine except sometimes when I am climbing a hill it wants to die out just about the time I reach the top. Yes the tank is full when this happens. I have drained the tank, putting new fuel in and fuel additive, new fuel filter, spark plug, checked wiring and even had a motorcycle carburator friend disassemble and clean the carburator (he had his own shop, never seen anyone so particular about cleanliness), also checked to make sure the gas cap vent worked. The mule has about 425 hours on it and I have never adjusted the valves so maybe that is it. Would valves cause an issue like this? I checked the fuel pump to make sure it was working, seemed to be, did not replace. I have a factory manual I payed dearly for and done everything per the manual. I have no way to get the mule to a shop, live in the Appalachian mountains beyond the boonies and really love my mule but it needs to be dependable. Breaking down could mean a very long walk home or worse. I keep her close by the house these days but don't want to. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
By rocmoc
rocmoc n AZ
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