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Everything posted by mlg

  1. Did you replace just the rears with kings or did you do all 4 ?
  2. First ride 10km bolts came loose off of shifter linkage (no 5th gear or reverse) Same day after fixing shifter linkage cooling fan warped fan blades hitting housing Second trip 50km front and rear diffs leaking found both grossly overfilled from factory,left rear tire going flat, same trip noticed right rear shock making noise (spring is rubbing on shock body) have nor replaced yet third trip last weekend evidnece of engine oil leak , just insatlled joyner cargo rack plastic vibrates like hell (on the to do list) trailored home in arain storm 4 of 6 headlamps and spot full of water disassembled lights and siliconed headlamp lenses next trip June 20 ???????
  3. Geo metros came with 1.0L 3 cylinder engines and 1.3 4 cylinder try plug wire set for a 1.3 liter metro
  4. Hey kinarfi when you talked to the guy at Joyner did he give you any insight to what they might be doing to upgrade their diffs ? Or are we on our own to do our own mods.
  5. Went for the first ride of the year this weekend in the Uintas . I came back and was doing some checks on the trooper and noticed some looseness in the right rear wheel bearing . I checked the left rear and it is tight. Looking at the parts breakdown I don't see any preload adjustment capability . Iam wondering if I should just drive it and see if it gets more loose or do you think I have a bad bearing .I only have 245 km on it . Also wondering if anyone has had any engine oil leak issues . I noticed a few drops on the skid plate right below the crank pulley. I cleaned it off expecting to see more oil drops ,rode the rest of the weekend no more leak, very strange ,oil leak are usually not intermittent any thoughts ? thanks
  6. mlg


    Hi everyone ,I recognized alot of you other forums ,nice to find a place to share fun times and tech info without the bashing and hijacks . Iam a proud owner of a 08.5 t2 camo edition . Only have 185 km bought late in the summer had cooling fan issue that took ahwile to get parts kinda killed the riding until spring .I live in Herriman Utah which is just south and west of Salt Lake city . Iam 44 years old married with 3 kids all grown (last one graduates this May ). I have worked for over 25 years for gm dealerships as drivability /electronics technician. I hope I can bring some helpful knowledge , hope here from you guys soon. Mike
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