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Guest Lenny

We need everyones that is going to the jamboree, to get their comments and votes in. See the voting thread.



I will vote twice if you can promise i wont still be a pinhead afterwards :D

Where is everyone going to be staying? boondocking? campground with hook ups? I know Lenny mentioned an area he thought would be big enough for all of us but is that the place we will meet?

Guest Lenny

Yes, a nice big flat spot for camping between mile marker 20 & 21 off of Hwy 95 south of Hanksville. I'll be camping here ... No amenities - dry camping like we did in AZ. I'm sure Kinarfi is camping here too.

Jeanne posted info she collected while we were there earlier but I'll locate and repost here in a few minutes.

It lists nearest food, gas, groceries, ect. There is a RV Campground in Hanksville and a couple of motels.

=====================Jeanne's Junk==============================

The trails looked very interesting to me. All trails have access from the Jamboree camp site.

The poison springs trail goes down to the Dirty Devil River thru high walled canyon and by June we should be able to cross the river to explore the other side too.

The other trails go up into the Bull Mtn. area for a higher elevation rides that can run 68 miles (after the snow melts away) plus many side trails to explore...elevations around 10,000 ft.

PROPOSED JAMBOREE LOCATION: DATES; June 24th - June 26th, 2011

The dry RV site is approximately 20 miles south of Hanksville on Hwy. 95. Len or Jeff will be able to give you the GPS coordinates. It is located between the 20 & 21 mile markers, it's located on the east side of road (Hwy. 95), and you will see a brown sign stating Bull Mtn Rd Scenic Backway. There is a large flat area that is big enough to accommodate everyone with enough space to allow everyone to park away from others so each can have some privacy and are away from the generator exhaust of others. It turned cold Thursday morning and I didn't get a picture of this site...sorry. Local history articles show there was a brief gold boom in this general area in the early 1890's.


You will find lodging in Hanksville: Whispering Sands Motel, 90 S. Hwy. 95, Hanksville, UT (Phone 435-542-3238)

There are a couple others in town (Henry Mtn Hideout & Hanksville Inn) but Whispering Sands looks the best and newest. Don't expect anything fancy!


You will find food in Hanksville too. Again, nothing fancy! Stan's Burger & Blondie's Eatery. Stan's is next door to Whispering Sands Motel and Blondie's is across the street. These are all located right as you turn off of Hwy. 24 onto Hwy. 95. There is a 3rd restaurant located on the north side of Hwy. 24 - Red Rock Restaurant, 226 E 100 N


You will have gas in Hanksville (near lodging and food, just south of Hwy. 24 & 95 intersection).

If you are traveling from the south on Hwy. 95, you will have gas in Blanding (north of the Hwy. 191/95 intersection). The gas and restaurant are CLOSED at Fry Canyon on Hwy. 95.

The Hite Marina (approx. 20 miles south of the dry camp site) should be open and have gas this time of year. Plus a marina store.


In Hanksville, on Hwy. 24, just east of the Hwy. 24/95 intersection there is the RED ROCK Campground (435-542-3235) for those who do not want to dry camp. The campground also has a restaurant.


Bullfrog has developed and primitive camping available plus the Bullfrog RV Campground. Halls Crossing has developed camping plus the Halls Crossing RV Park. Hite Marina areas has primitive camping near the launch ramp, in Farley Canyon and along Dirty Devil River. Natural Bridges Natl Monument and Manti La Sal national forest both have camping (south Hwy. 95).


There is a grocery store in Hanksville /Bull Mtn Market on the south side of Hwy. 24 (east of Hwy 24/95 intersection). Also, you will find limited groceries at two gas stations.


There is a BLM office in Hanksville. When heading east on Hwy. 24 from the Hwy. 24/95 intersection, you will see a sign directing you to turn south. The BLM office is several blocks down on the right. Maps, brochures, points of interest, ect.


You also have a post office in Hanksville on Hwy. 24. It is not too far from the Red Rock Restaurant and Campground.

It's a small town, you should be able to locate everything easily. All within 20 miles of the trails and proposed Jamboree Camp Site.

Best Regards to all,

Jeanne (Lenny's wife)


If you have never been to this area, you may want to add a few extra days to explore other attractions. Most are off of Hwy. 95 and south of Hanksville but the first three mentioned are off of Hwy. 24.

-North of Hanksville is GOBLIN VALLEY STATE PARK (off Hwy. 24).

-San Rafael Route Designations...north of Hanksville off Hwy. 24. You have access to this area off the same road that takes you to the Goblin Valley entry road. Len and I have explored and camped in this area several times - we still have not completed it all yet. You can get a BLM visitor's guide of the San Rafael plus a map provided by Emery County at the BLM office in Hanksville. Both are free.

-East of Hanksville is CAPITOL REEF NATIONAL PARK (off Hwy. 24).

- South of Hanksville, North Hwy. 276 / MM 26.2, brings you down to Bull Frog Bay on Lake Powell. You will find camping in this area.

-South of Hanksville at approx. the 29 mile marker is what they call a Geologic Wonderland

-Hog Springs Rest Area / Picnic Area at mile marker 33.3

-South of Hanksville is GLEN CANYON NATL RECREATION AREA / the HITE location. The Dirty Devil converges with the Colorado river (off Hwy. 95 / approx. 41.1 mile marker) - Hite Overlook. In 1964, the rising waters of Lake Powell engulfed the "boom town" of Hite. Case Hite found gold in 1883. Population increased to 200 following WW II because of uranium.

-At approximately 46.3 mile market - Hite Road / Flint Trail. Off highway vehicle access road to the Maze District of Canyonlands National Park. Stop at Park Service Station (mile marker 48.6) before traveling into the Maze for road conditions (some of the most rugged and forbidding country in southeastern Utah).

-At approximately 64 mile marker - Jacobs Chair.

Len and I explored some of these trails in this general area last year when we were traveling home from Blanding.

-Fry Canyon lodge/store/gas is closed now (mile marker 71). Once a busy hub for uranium mining. Many hike this canyon.

-South Hwy. 276 / MM 83.8, road to Hall's Crossing, brings you down to Bullfrog Bay on Lake Powel/ Ferry Crossing. Camping available.

-Further South is NATURAL BRIDGES NATL MONUMENT (off Hwy. 95). Mile marker 91.5.

Len and I enjoyed camping and exploring the Manti-La Sal Natl Forest about five years ago after viewing the Natural Bridges.


Hwy. 261 (mile marker 93.2). Off of this highway you have GRAND GULCH PRIMITIVE AREA (there is a Ranger Station), MOKI DUGWAY, VALLEY OF THE GODS, and GOOSENECKS OF THE SAN JUAN STATE PARK.


Salvation Knoll. Historic Marker - Christmas 1879, four scouts of Mormon Hole In The Rock Expedition were lost in a blizzard.

-MILE MARKER 101.7 -

Mule Canyon Ruin. RUIN of an Anasazi pueblo (AD 1000-1150) including a block of rooms, kiva and tower. INDIAN RUINS

-MILE MARKER 102.2 -

Texas Flat Road. Primitive camping and off-highway vehicle access to the north and south forks of Mule Canyon with many Anasazi cliff dwellings.


Cave Towers. Off-highway vehicle access road to ancient towers sitting precariously on the rim of Mule Canyon. INDIAN RUINS


Comb Ridge & Comb Wash. Comb Ridge is an 80 mile long monocline from Elk Ridge in the north down to Kayenta, AZ, formed over 65 million years ago and is a major drainage for the area.

-MILE MARKER 107.4 -

Arch Canyon Road. Off-highway road going north along Comb Ridge to Elks Ridge.

-MILE MARKER 111.2 -

Butler Wash Ruin. Overlooks a small Anasazi cliff dwelling. INDIAN RUINS.

- MILE MARKER 112.3 -

Butler Wash Road. A 20 mile long off-highway vehicle road along the eastern titled side of the 80 mile long Comb Ridge monocline. Connects with Hwy. 163, just west of Bluff and the Junction with Hwy. 191.

-MILE MARKER 115.4 -

Off-highway vehicle access road to Manti-La Sal Natl Forest and the Blue or Abajo Mountains (Peak 11,360 feet).



Why aren't we the ODG, short for Old Dinosaur Gang! Our catch phrase is Oh Dear God, ODG! That one phrase & our group name covers the entire Jamboree!

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico


Why aren't we the ODG, short for Old Dinosaur Gang! Our catch phrase is Oh Dear God, ODG! That one phrase & our group name covers the entire Jamboree!

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico

Sounds good,maybe have tee shirts made up(lol) when i first read your post about the dinosaur find i was thinking Lenny and Kinarfi had been spotted up there(lol)

Guest Lenny

Sounds good,maybe have tee shirts made up(lol) when i first read your post about the dinosaur find i was thinking Lenny and Kinarfi had been spotted up there(lol)

I like the OLd Dinosaur Gang. Yes, lets do T-shirts. Good name for a bunch of foolish old codgers. We'll be famous.



I am all for it. I only wear T-shirt that have a small pocket logo on the front and the big one on the back center. Remember I'm not that big so it can't be too huge or it gets tucked in my waistband.

Anyone one to take a lead on this?

What do we want it to say. ODG, on the front with a dino in a SXS. On the Back top, 2011 Joyner Jamboree - Hanksville, UT. Bigger Pic of Dino in SXS then below Ride with the ODG - Old Dinosaur Gang / Old Dear God

I will step up if no one else want to but it will be a week before I will have any spare time to work on it.

My Shirt size is med but I will also take a second in Large, So two shirts for me.

Shirt material should be 100% cotton and light weight for wear in HOT WEATHER.

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico


I am all for it. I only wear T-shirt that have a small pocket logo on the front and the big one on the back center. Remember I'm not that big so it can't be too huge or it gets tucked in my waistband.

Anyone one to take a lead on this?

What do we want it to say. ODG, on the front with a dino in a SXS. On the Back top, 2011 Joyner Jamboree - Hanksville, UT. Bigger Pic of Dino in SXS then below Ride with the ODG - Old Dinosaur Gang / Old Dear God

I will step up if no one else want to but it will be a week before I will have any spare time to work on it.

My Shirt size is med but I will also take a second in Large, So two shirts for me.

Shirt material should be 100% cotton and light weight for wear in HOT WEATHER.

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico

be real nice if the sxs was a trooper.

Guest Lenny

Could get a Dino suit and sit in my Trooper and take a pic & have that put on a shirt!

Sounds good to me, I'll taks a large and a small.


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