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I woke up around 2:00 to the smell of gasoline, figured it was on my hands or clothes still after working on my trooper all day, but couldn't really smell it on my hands, so I went down stair to see if it was in the garage, opened the door and the smell about knocked me over. There was gas puddled all over the floor and you could see where it had been but dried up. After I got the doors all open, I started looking for the cause and first look at the fuel tank and it was easy to see, my fuel line had broke, bad part is I had filled the tank to the brim the day before, so all 8 gallon had drained out. Could have been disastrous!!!! It's fixed now and when you look at the photo, you'll notice that the hose is polyurethane tubing, ether style if I remember correctly. I have had other pieces of it go weird also, but this is the first problem it has created. I used to think this stuff was really neat stuff, not now!!!!

My recommendation is that if you're using it. Get rid of it, I have got rid of all of mine yet, but I don't have any below the top of the gas tank.




I will keep an eye on mine-- thanks!

I was reading my Wildcat service manual the other day. It recommends the fuel lines be replaced every 2 years. Considering the bad Chinese rubber we know is on our troopers I may be doing a fuel line replacement soon.


The rubber lines seem to be fine for many years (IMHO) and I thought the tygon tubing was going to be great because you can see through it. The line that broke is still soft and flexible, just broken now.

Guest Lenny

Polyethylene tubing is fine. Its more of a translucent milk color and you can still see thru it.

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