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2018 Hisun Sector 750 Crew Excessive Sound

Tom Rosecke

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So i have a 2018 Hisun Sector 750 Crew and while driving the noise level is outrageous.  I want to find a way to decrease the decibel level, so does anyone have any ideas!!! i was thinking about installing foam on the roof enclosure and possibly putting something around the engine bay area.  I have not found any companies that makes a suppressor for the muffler...Any help would be appreciated.  thank you

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I have a diesel mule that has the intake in the rops bar. It's loud also. A back window tamed the noise to a tolerable level. Since I'm not familiar with your machine, it might not be helpful. But insulating, and deflecting that noisemaker away from the cab would be the way to approach this.

Just a shot in the dark here. But I see those black truck bedliners, on the side of the road that've blown out of a truck. That stuff would be an excellent material to fabricate what you've described.

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