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Coleman UTV400 Speaker System and Lighting Help

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Hello everyone!  I'm Molly.  I'm 54, and have been legally blind my whole life, which means I've never been able to drive.  But I CAN see, just not as good as you guys.  I finally own 5 acres of flat and pretty open land, and I used to have a great little Yamana gas golf cart that I could drive around, to help me do yard work...  Then, it died.  So now, I am the proud owner of a brand new Coleman UTV400!  Whooo, it's got a lot more power than my golf cart had, but I'm getting used to it.  


I have a couple of questions.  Okay, now you guys out there, don't laugh at me, ok?  Because I don't know ANYTHING about how engines work, or batteries, or any of this stuff!  But I want to learn.  

First, is there a way I can change out the headlights that came with it, for some really bright ones?  The headlights are not very bright for me.  Not even the 'bright' mode.  I need light.  A LOT OF LIGHT!  Can I do this? 

Also, I'd like to install some of these neat rock lights that go in the wheel wells.  I don't want those colored kind, just bright ones, so I can see at night!  I live in FL, so there is no snow, EVER, but I need more lights.  It gets dark now early, 5:30!  I'm not driving on the road, don't worry, just my land.  

And while I'm at it, I'd really like to install some speakers.  I need music when I'm working in the yard.  I don't want to keep bringing my rechargeable bluetooth speaker with me.  I'd like something that is more permanent.  I like a lot of bass, so can anyone recommend something?  


I know the speakers need to be wired somehow, and the ones I'm looking over at amazon come with everything........  but don't laugh--  but how do you wire it to the battery?  I know I can do this, I just need guidance.  

And I know you might want to suggest this, but no, I don't have anyone that can help me.  I'm on my own.  I don't know anyone here, and I live way out in the country, down a dirt road....  just give me some tips, and point me in the right direction (of a video hopefully that will explain stuff), and I am on my way!  

Thank you all so much for any advice, tips, help, etc...  

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  • Alex changed the title to Coleman UTV400 Speaker System and Lighting Help

Instead of replacing headlights, add led lightshttps://www.amazon.com/4-Inch-120-watt-12800-Driving-Waterproof/dp/B09FT65VRS/ref=sr_1_11?crid=2W97SU2AYYKTS&keywords=led+cubes+offroad&qid=1671028385&sprefix=led+cubes%2Caps%2C169&sr=8-11

Or even something like this for MORE light: https://www.amazon.com/FILTER-Driving-Harness-Compatible-Polaris/dp/B07BM2XBLS/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=1S47NTPZW8AUR&keywords=light+bar&qid=1671028765&sprefix=light+bar%2Caps%2C154&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyWjRQUzJKTlBFVTkzJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNjU5Nzk0MzZJOUZSNjFLTTlWOCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMTM0NjMzM0Q2REZSS1FROE5KNiZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=

You'll need some of these to mount the cubes on the front bumper: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XZZHFS2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Both the lights and the stereo should come with a wiring harness that you attach to the battery terminals.  Depending on which lights you buy, they will come with wiring for a rocker switch even come with a switch.  Mine came with a push button switch and peel and stick tape that I mounted on the steering column.

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Thanks so much for your help!!  I am going to look at those links.  Excited!  Peel and stick tape and a push button sounds PERFECT for me!  A novice....  I'm willing to learn though!


Also, you guys, I have given up on the speaker system.  I did some more reading last night, and it's a lot more complicated than I realized....  needing am amplifier, needing to know/understand the watts and out put and how much each speaker can handle.  I don't understand any of it!  So for now, I'm more focused on the important thing, getting brighter lights, so I can see!  

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Ok, fellas....  I feel really dumb!  But, I'm ready NOT to order the wiring harness and the two lights.  

The battery to the UTV is under the seat, right?  So how in the heck do I run those wires all the way from the battery to the front of my UTV?  Do I need to buy extra wiring?  And if the lights don't come with ANY wiring, will I need to splice some wiring onto them?

Also, is there a spot on the dash where I can mount the on/off switch for the new lights?  I think I remember feeling a 'circle' on the dash that had nothing to it.  It was to the left of the spot where you can plug in a cigarette lighter.   God, I'm stupid.  But I just don't know HOW to do any of this!  I need some more help, please.  


Upon researching an LED light bar, I see if I get a one-row bar, that is really easy to hook up.  Plug n play, pretty much.  But there is no place to mount a light bar on the front because it's all rounded framework!  And you can't mount one up above the windshield, because that is all plastic!  So where would you even mount an led light bar on this Coleman UTV400?????  God I wish I had someone to come and help me!  I just need someone to SHOW me once, and then I could DO the work myself!  But I am ignorant on this stuff.  

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You get something like this to mount the light bar to the round tube.

You can mount the switch anywhere you can get wires behind. The spot you mention is the ugly for where the ignition used to be on the older 400s. Should be doable.

You will need to run wires from the battery under the seat, underneath the body up to the dash and up to the light bar. A pack of zip ties will be needed to attach the wires so they don't just flop around and chaft on stuff or catch on things.

Order a kit with the wiring harness and we will be happy to help you get it all set up. I know it looks daunting but it's a lot easier than you think and most people are more than capable of completing the project with a little guidance.

The best way to learn this stuff is by doing it! You've got this!

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17 hours ago, Molly A. Block said:

Ok, fellas....  I feel really dumb!  But, I'm ready NOT to order the wiring harness and the two lights.  

The battery to the UTV is under the seat, right?  So how in the heck do I run those wires all the way from the battery to the front of my UTV?  Do I need to buy extra wiring?  And if the lights don't come with ANY wiring, will I need to splice some wiring onto them?

Also, is there a spot on the dash where I can mount the on/off switch for the new lights?  I think I remember feeling a 'circle' on the dash that had nothing to it.  It was to the left of the spot where you can plug in a cigarette lighter.   God, I'm stupid.  But I just don't know HOW to do any of this!  I need some more help, please.  


Upon researching an LED light bar, I see if I get a one-row bar, that is really easy to hook up.  Plug n play, pretty much.  But there is no place to mount a light bar on the front because it's all rounded framework!  And you can't mount one up above the windshield, because that is all plastic!  So where would you even mount an led light bar on this Coleman UTV400?????  God I wish I had someone to come and help me!  I just need someone to SHOW me once, and then I could DO the work myself!  But I am ignorant on this stuff.  

The wiring harnesses are plenty long, don’t need to worry about reaching the battery. I had to bundle up the excess on one. What aefron posted (light bar attachment) is another version of the third link in my first post. 

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Welcome to the forum Molly!

I'd like to point out that there are limits to available amperage, with these things. If you want lots of bass, then you'll need lots of amps. That little engine probably won't generate enough 12v power for anything more than a good factory stereo. With any kind of amplifier added, you'll have to keep the engine running to keep the amp draw from draining the battery.

Facing the same problem, I went with a powered speaker from Walmart that's made for tailgating. Plenty of bass, and way more volume than you'll need. The best part is there's no wiring. 

There's a similar problem with the lights, although not as critical since l.e.d. lights are typically lower amp draw than what we had back in the day, and certainly less than a stereo with lots of bass. You'll still need to check the amp draw on anything you plan to install. 

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