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Lenny (open to anyone who may have suggestions),

Without a doubt there is much room for improvement in our stock engine. If I decide to do cams I was thinking of taking the opportunity while having the top end apart to do some head work. I know you have ported & port matched your head. Did you do this yourself? I would most likely have a machine shop do mine. If I do drop it off to a machine shop what do you recommend I have done? I was thinking of porting, port matching & polishing. Is there anything else you'd suggest? I posted it here because I thought others may be having similar thoughts.



Guest Lenny

Lenny (open to anyone who may have suggestions),

Without a doubt there is much room for improvement in our stock engine. If I decide to do cams I was thinking of taking the opportunity while having the top end apart to do some head work. I know you have ported & port matched your head. Did you do this yourself? I would most likely have a machine shop do mine. If I do drop it off to a machine shop what do you recommend I have done? I was thinking of porting, port matching & polishing. Is there anything else you'd suggest? I posted it here because I thought others may be having similar thoughts.



I did my own. Port matching is a must. You have to bring the gasket with you along with the exhaust pipes and intake tube assembly and the aluminum intake plentium. The plentium needs matching to the intake tube assembly too. When matching the head ports,you will see that there is a lot of room for cleaning up the pathways to the valves. Just pay attention so you don't cut thru to the water chamber. I used a piece of bent wire to keep monitoring the remaining thickness under where I was cutting. I didn't pollish mine as I don't feel it gives enough extra. If your a professional drag racer, maybe. Your basically trying to make the airflow as laminar as possible. You are not trying to get the ports as big as possible but shapped for a clean flowing curvature up to and around the valves. Do this after you match the ports. The exhaust manifold ports are a lot bigger then the heads exhaust ports. Try to eliminate the step in between the two. Even though the exhaust goes into a bigger area at the step, the step will cause eddies to develope which will disrupt clean exhaust outflow. It takes a whole day to do it if you stay with it.




Porting is a good idea but you dont need to remove head to replace camshafts.If you do want to remove head then port head and complete valve job.Which includes checking valves and

seats and guides plus replace valve seals.We can do this service for you we have done a lot of this type of work.You can do it your self if you feel like you can do it than go for it.

We carry all parts you need headgasket intake and exhast gasket and seals.



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