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Check Ebay Motors under Legends race car/parts. There is a trick oil cooler for this car that can be bought for a good price that will work. I have an extra and will look at installing on the Trooper.

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico


I looked last night and if someone comes up with a location for the cooler, let me know. In front or back of the radiator is not good as we need all the airflow to cool the coolant. I have a cooler but no location!

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico


I don't want to put anything up there. If/when I go to the dunes the rack will be removed to reduce weight. Also in serious rock climbing, if/when I roll the rad/oil cooler would be exposed to damage.

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico

What about behind the winch? I know its a long way but it should you should get good air flow?

not a bad idea, maybe run a hardline, clamp to the frame rail, just wonder about the pressure drop over the distance.

One thing I havent thought about or looked at when I came up with the idea is were to tap into ? maybe with an oil filter adaptor


I had thought of the location also but my concern was oil pressure drop. A oversized line would reduce headloss but I would still put a secondary pressure gauge inline to monitor the pressure near the return location on the motor. Yes you could come off a oil filter adapter, but what adapter? You do it first, run a day in hot weather and report back. If everything goes well, then we will follow. There has to be a leader, LOL!

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico


I havn't looked but there used to, and maybe still are, adapters for remote oil filters. On some vehicles, the oil filter is so hard to get at that a kit could be used to move it to a better location. These lines would be perfect to tap into. What is the volumn of the oil being pumped and what size line do you want to run? If you can get me that, I'll run the head numbers for pressure drop. I don't think your looking at a lot especially if the lines run straight or in sweeping curves. The biggest head loss is in the fittings and especially with 90s etc. I'll think about an oil filter adapter and get back. It shouldn't be too hard. Does the oil go through the oil filter fom the certer hole to the outside holes or from the outside holes to the center hole, does anybody know? It probably won't make a difference but I'd like to know before thinking about it.

rocmoc, I don't know how big your oil cooler is but as far as placement goes your pretty limited. I went out and looked and what looks good to me is behind the drivers or passengers seat but also behind the metal panel too. Thus still in the engine compartment as far forward as you can. This keeps it close to the oil filter too and awy from engine heat. I would put it on an angle just inside the outter tubing running down behind the seat. Put a peice of sheetmetal wrapping from behind it and around the side projecting out about an inch to act as an air scoop. The sheet metal or whatever else that would work would also keep the tire from covering it with mud. Don't miss understand me when I say "I would do it this way". I don't mean to say that there aren't other ways or that you would be stupid if you did it any other way but mine. That is just the way I talk.



I think you need some airflow or there won't be much to gain. An oil filter adaptor from any engine that takes the same filter will work. I believe/think the oil inlet is the center and it does make a difference. I believe/think oil filters have a check valve. On got the lines crossed on my race car one time and had zero pressure to the head & gauge. Almost ruined the lifters but quickly knew something was the matter when I heard the dry tapping sound from the lifters. Switched the lines and everything was fine.

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico


rocmoc, I 'm not sure I got my idea across very good so I did a graphic. This shows the right rear side with a 31" dia tire. In front of the tire is the panel behind the passenger seat. Here I show an oil cooler at an angle with an air scoop to catch fresh air flow. The placement relationships shown here should be real close. The tire is at full bump and where it would be if you had 14 1/2" of rear travel with the dif lowered. This is my general Idea. With a little crafting, I confident that a tall scoop that funnels down to the heigth of the cooler could be made to catch enough air. This is open area that gives a little room to move and it wouldn't get any engine heat unless your stopped or going backwards. It is also right there near he oil filter.



rocmoc, I 'm not sure I got my idea across very good so I did a graphic. This shows the right rear side with a 31" dia tire. In front of the tire is the panel behind the passenger seat. Here I show an oil cooler at an angle with an air scoop to catch fresh air flow. The placement relationships shown here should be real close. The tire is at full bump and where it would be if you had 14 1/2" of rear travel with the dif lowered. This is my general Idea. With a little crafting, I confident that a tall scoop that funnels down to the heigth of the cooler could be made to catch enough air. This is open area that gives a little room to move and it wouldn't get any engine heat unless your stopped or going backwards. It is also right there near he oil filter.



OK, now I am with you. I have another car that has the oil cooler it that location. Open on the front side so air is drawn from the underside and flows out into the wheel well. Only downside I can think of is if you were in mud/snow and had to back up and spun mud/snow into the fins of the cooler. A problem for ME is I have one of the early units and that location is where the fuse block is installed, easy move but more work.

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico

OK, now I am with you. I have another car that has the oil cooler it that location. Open on the front side so air is drawn from the underside and flows out into the wheel well. Only downside I can think of is if you were in mud/snow and had to back up and spun mud/snow into the fins of the cooler. A problem for ME is I have one of the early units and that location is where the fuse block is installed, easy move but more work.

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico

I didn't show it but i figured that the cooler would be boxed on all sides including top and bottom just like your typical air filter is. Mud just couldn't get to it. Humm, that makes me think and wounder if a air filter manifold could be adapted. then you could route the intake to wherever. The cooler would replace the filter. Sounds interesting and if you could find the right setup it would look OEM. Maybe a trip to the junk yard would shed some light on possibilities.


Went surfing for oil cooler, found this http://perma-cool.com/Catalog/Cat_page07.html, and this http://perma-cool.com/Catalog/Cat_page15.html looked cool :D


I like the first one best. It's easy to put a good sized cooler in and be over cooled rather then under cooled. We still have to come up with a slick way to mount it. I think what we do as a group can have a big effect on rather Joyner is suscessful in this market. I'm going to guess that this is the premier site for Troopers. As a group, we probalby represent the leading edge of development for improving the Trooper. Rather it's fixing something misengineered or a new addition which advances it's usefullness. For a lack of a better way to put it, We sort of have the responsibility to show other UTVr's the potential of this thing. If they like what they see, they'll buy them. Right now, they are waiting to see just what the thing is all about but they're not sure yet. We can change that and have a bunch of fun along the way.

Wow, how did I get off on that tangent? Anyway, A slick oil cooler setup would be great.


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