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Massimo upgrades customer support

Bill Hughes

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Massimo recently updated their customer support. I know some of us have had less than Stellar response from Massimo in the past but it looks like they've made a major upgrade and taking a big step forward. I entered a a case on their website you can open a case under your account with a broken part under warranty and was skeptical but I got a call back the next day and the tech had me send a picture of the broken part and they shipped out a new part under warranty same-day

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I have had a Massimo MSU 500 since 2014 and have heard this "Massimo recently updated their customer support" story several times.  Don't believe it, it ain't gonna happen, never has got better.    They have a basically good design but poor quality control and no customer support.  I learned early I had no support so if I wanted to get some value out of my purchase I had better be able to fix it myself which I have for the most part  A partial list of issues:bad seal in secondary clutch  caused oil to leak on drive belt, bad detent in shift mechanism causing no reverse, bad fuel injector, no fuel filter,  and numerous other issues. Most problems could have been resolved with just a little factory support but without that you have to start from scratch.  I use it daily on my farm  it leads a rough life and has its good and bad days I would hate to be without it but when it gets replaced it won't be with a Massimo.

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7 hours ago, klm said:

I have had a Massimo MSU 500 since 2014 and have heard this "Massimo recently updated their customer support" story several times.  Don't believe it, it ain't gonna happen, never has got better.    They have a basically good design but poor quality control and no customer support.  I learned early I had no support so if I wanted to get some value out of my purchase I had better be able to fix it myself which I have for the most part  A partial list of issues:bad seal in secondary clutch  caused oil to leak on drive belt, bad detent in shift mechanism causing no reverse, bad fuel injector, no fuel filter,  and numerous other issues. Most problems could have been resolved with just a little factory support but without that you have to start from scratch.  I use it daily on my farm  it leads a rough life and has its good and bad days I would hate to be without it but when it gets replaced it won't be with a Massimo.

Could be because your machine is made with Hisun parts.  Those of us commenting here at least have newer ones made from Linhai parts.  (Who knows if those parts still come from the same factory though.)

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7 hours ago, klm said:

I have had a Massimo MSU 500 since 2014 and have heard this "Massimo recently updated their customer support" story several times.  Don't believe it, it ain't gonna happen, never has got better.    They have a basically good design but poor quality control and no customer support.  I learned early I had no support so if I wanted to get some value out of my purchase I had better be able to fix it myself which I have for the most part  A partial list of issues:bad seal in secondary clutch  caused oil to leak on drive belt, bad detent in shift mechanism causing no reverse, bad fuel injector, no fuel filter,  and numerous other issues. Most problems could have been resolved with just a little factory support but without that you have to start from scratch.  I use it daily on my farm  it leads a rough life and has its good and bad days I would hate to be without it but when it gets replaced it won't be with a Massimo.

I'll point out I said recently, meaning in the last few weeks. They had a big corporate meeting and reorg. That won't fix problems from 8 years ago and 8yrs of service from one of these with hard use is pretty dang good. I'm sure you'll see similar stories in the Polaris and Honda forums. That being said Massimo certainly needed to improve quality control and support and hopefully they have. One thing they can't control is dealers and I have had a very mixed bag with all brands in that department. Some are pretty good and some are just lousy regardless of brand name. 

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I have had mine since 2019. Don't have many hours on it. I purchased it from the factory in Texas. It was an auction. When it was delivered, the roof was missing. Apparently it broke and blew off in transit. The driver refunded me $200.00. The next morning I contacted Massimo and advised them of what happened, and was fully prepared to purchase another roof. This was a floor model, so it didn't have much of a warranty. Much to my surprise, they sent out a new one free of charge. I have also had some technical questions, and one of their techs has been very helpful with wiring diagrams, tech advice, etc. I know that hasn't been the case with some owners, especially those who bought their machine through Tractor Supply. Apparently Massimo has not been prompt with warranty reimbursements with repair shops, causing most shops to refuse to work on them. Believe me, I get that. Maybe this will all change, especially if they want to step up their sales and service. I just wanted to say that I have been fortunate to have good encounters with the factory.

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WOW!  They have updates Support and , let me guess, hired NEW STAFF just to help us? That makes 4 times since 2018 when I bought mine that they have tried to delay us til warranty runs out. .. Dont believe it.. Its just another scam to get sales on existing inventory.. There is a class action lawsuit building against them now.  They sucked then, they suck now and they will suck in the future... When I tried to get them to pay shop for warranty when mine was only a week old, Rep told me on the phone.... "THATS NOT GONNA HAPPEN!"  and hung up on me 

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At least you were able to actually talk with a Rep.

I will never understand why a company would go thru all the pains of startup and manufacture of a product and then standby and let the company go to hell by not supporting their product.  Ever customer complaint, ever parts failure, ever maintenance failure or adjustment should be fed back to engineering dept and incorporated  into the product to make it even better instead of just cranking out the same old thing.  I don't think there is much if any difference between my 2014 and the 2022 models.

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It took many calls and unanswered messages before someone actually answered their Tech line. Guy was a jerk , refused to help in any way ..  He even told me their HISUN engines were complete junk and they  had switched to LINHAI engines , a Chinese Co. cloning Yamaha engines  but with cheap parts. . So they dont warranty HISUN .   Someone said  Linhai is owned by YAMAHA... not true.. Its a Chinese owned co. 

Edited by Joe Breaux
brain fart
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6 hours ago, Joe Breaux said:

It took many calls and unanswered messages before someone actually answered their Tech line. Guy was a jerk , refused to help in any way ..  He even told me their HISUN engines were complete junk and they  had switched to LINHAI engines , a Chinese Co. cloning Yamaha engines  but with cheap parts. . So they dont warranty HISUN .   Someone said  Linhai is owned by YAMAHA... not true.. Its a Chinese owned co. 

Every brand including Kubota has all of their parts manufactured in China . How would you know if they are "cheap" parts or exactly the same parts Yamaha gets? You wouldn't because you have no access or insight into the process. And the way manufacturing is automated today it would cost more to retool and redesign to make "CHEAP" parts than to just make the same parts, so that is truly unlikely.  Of course all of these thoughts by all of us are pure speculation since not one of us is privy to any details of the actual parts making process.   

No outside company can own a Chinese company due to the government being communist. SO your statement applies to every ATV,  UTV and such that's sold. If you don't want Chinese, then you better build yourself a metal foundry. and forge (outside the US to avoid onerous regulations).

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13 minutes ago, T-boss 410 said:

There he is! Joe never disappoints 😉

Joe also seems to make a lot of statements that are questionable (given nearly 500 post, mostly negative ). Such as an actual employ of an actual company making a statement that would put himself and his employer in legal jeopardy for liable and class action lawsuits.  Joe should have gotten that on tape. I know a group of excellent attorneys.

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In my nearly 500 posts, have any of you ever seen me post false or misinformation as he has? Those you who know me know I DO have IT ON TAPE from the phone call with the rep.. As I have stated many many times as far back as the time I joined the forum.  Its on PISSED OFF CONSUMER .com too    And if I was pushing for a brand, wouldnt I be schilling every day for it as  he  OBVIOUSLY IS DOING FOR MASSIMO ?  hmmmmmm  now whos working for a company? 

Edited by Joe Breaux
my bulchit meter was blasting
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No issue  here.

I defer to Joe.  I yield my time to the honorable gentleman from , well where-ever.  And I'm out. 

However I do recommend that you Joe, stop bullying others and use any factual information you have to retain an attorney and press your case against the vendors that have wronged you. We customers can't help you. Take legal action or get over it.  You insistent whining simply ruins this forum and I am no longer interested in participating, so you have your bully pulpit. 

Best of luck

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You dont have to leave. I can ignore you .. I have 2 ex-wives, I have plenty practice.. You call it whining? I call it WARNING others not to buy your Massimo products.. And I am in  Whiskey Bay LA.  Let me guess, you are in DALLAS TX  where these are assembled?  Are you the one i talked to on the phone?  .............. If I offended anyone else, I apologize.. I just dont like being called a liar, much 

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7 hours ago, Bill Hughes said:

No issue  here.

I defer to Joe.  I yield my time to the honorable gentleman from , well where-ever.  And I'm out. 

However I do recommend that you Joe, stop bullying others and use any factual information you have to retain an attorney and press your case against the vendors that have wronged you. We customers can't help you. Take legal action or get over it.  You insistent whining simply ruins this forum and I am no longer interested in participating, so you have your bully pulpit. 

Best of luck

Joe, for the record I have never felt bullied by you. As stated earlier, I can understand your anger and frustration with Massimo. Fortunately (for me, anyway), I haven't experienced the same problem that you did. But I also haven't put many miles on it, either. Hopefully it will remain that way, but that's being overly optimistic. I also am fortunate enough to have the Linhai engine vs. the Hisun engine, which I believe you have. You've had a bad experience all the way around, which would cause any of us to look poorly on the make, no matter what that make may be. 

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For what’s it’s worth my Coleman has run fine for 2 years.   It’s a Hisun with the Coleman labeling.  I’ve called Coleman several times.  They answered, don’t know much, but they answered.  Warranty is over this month, so maybe it will fall apart in March.   I keep it inside, I use it, but do not abuse it.  

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Well I was curious about where parts really  come from.. I looked in my  shop corner where I pile old parts fro ATVs. Motorcycles ,  Corvettes etc.. Guess what?  NONE of the old parts from my Hondas say MADE IN CHINA!  .. In fact 2 old starters , latest was a 2016, say MITSUBA Corp .. I looked them up.   "

  • MITSUBA was founded back in 1930, and is located  in Shinagawa, Tokyo and are a major supplier to various American, Canadian and Japanese manufacturers ... Correct me if I am wrong Bill, but isnt TOKYO   IN JAPAN?   hmmmm  Not one part says CHINA!  
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  Linhai engine vs. the Hisun engine,  don't see why that makes much difference as far as customer support.  I personally have not had a problem with the actual engine itself, it's how these parts interface with each other (quality control).  If you don't properly torque bolts, install seals wrong, don't install fuel filters, have poor wiring connectors, don't adjust shift linkage right, use junk lubricates,  leave air in the cooling system, don't have a good clear maintenance manual, etc, etc, you are going to have issues and you better have a good customer support group.

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40 minutes ago, klm said:

  Linhai engine vs. the Hisun engine,  don't see why that makes much difference as far as customer support.  I personally have not had a problem with the actual engine itself, it's how these parts interface with each other (quality control).  If you don't properly torque bolts, install seals wrong, don't install fuel filters, have poor wiring connectors, don't adjust shift linkage right, use junk lubricates,  leave air in the cooling system, don't have a good clear maintenance manual, etc, etc, you are going to have issues and you better have a good customer support group.

I agree!   Mine didn’t come with a fuel filter, some things were loose, manual showed different versions, from mine.  But, over all, so far, I’m generally happy with it.  

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Wont be any from a  Massimo.. Nothing on them is made anywhere but Communist China, by workers making peanuts for wages and  from inferior materials . 

12 hours ago, klm said:

  Linhai engine vs. the Hisun engine,  don't see why that makes much difference as far as customer support.  I personally have not had a problem with the actual engine itself, it's how these parts interface with each other (quality control).  If you don't properly torque bolts, install seals wrong, don't install fuel filters, have poor wiring connectors, don't adjust shift linkage right, use junk lubricates,  leave air in the cooling system, don't have a good clear maintenance manual, etc, etc, you are going to have issues and you better have a good customer support group.

and that, my friend , is where Massimo FAILS MISERABLY.. They wont back up their products at all. When a company wont back their warranty when their product fails on its very first use, you truly have chit for a company .. Regardless of product quality  

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