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Joe Breaux

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its a misdirection  tactic.. . I pay someone to type for me, using a burner routed thru 27 satellites ... I also encrypt it using  2000 yr old secret language, Pig latin.. They will NEVER figure it out..    Hey, they took 7 years to find Osama living next door to Police Academy..  They couldnt find  Hillarys emails  on Computers when they were stacked in the corner of the WH...   They still haven t found Hunters laptop while every news channel has had it for a year.  They are not the brightest bulbs in the room 

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11 minutes ago, Travis said:

I lost all knowledge of this thread in a tragic boating incident.... as well as all of my firearms... on a lake somewhere..... that's really deep.:rolleyes:

Me too, I lost every one of my guns  into the collapsed Diamond Crystal Salt Mine while fishing on the lake above it.. accidently dropped all of them overboard when I caught a huge fish and his tail slapped the crate they were in overboard.. Its estimated to be over 2000 feet deep.. If they want to go diving , go for it.. Theres an Oil rig down that hole and tug boat and barges 

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