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Not me! I go for quality, not quantity!

Also some have called US fair weather souls & it is TRUE. LOL!

But my Trooper is one of the OLDEST, one of the first fifty that had to be upgraded every time I turned around. I purchased mine in 2008. They came out in Sept & I took my home in Nov.

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico

Guest Lenny

He has me beat more then 2:1. But, mine has twice the HP so I only have to go half as far for equal fun.



He has me beat more then 2:1. But, mine has twice the HP so I only have to go half as far for equal fun.


I think hes an x used car salesman,just rolls the odometer forward instead of backwards.


He has me beat more then 2:1. But, mine has twice the HP so I only have to go half as far for equal fun.


I would like to know what hp you end up getting out of that supercharger.


Mines like brand new after 3 years...... 239.4 miles. OMG! :D

"OMG!" is right!! You better drive it, or it will rust away, or deteriorate to pile of ???? Holy Crap!! Thats not even broke in yet!! lol


I got no job, I'm retired, I'm handicapped, can't golf, broke my airplane(& it broke me), what else have I got to do? go ride around and I got some beautiful areas to play in and a wonderful wife that likes to go with me. I plan on running it up some more this spring and summer and fall. I have the Little Sahara Dunes, I have Currant Creek area, south and west of Strawberry Reservoir, Moab is not that far, and when I go out, it's usually 50 Km per run. Maybe I ought to get one of the new ones when they come out.



"OMG!" is right!! You better drive it, or it will rust away, or deteriorate to pile of ???? Holy Crap!! Thats not even broke in yet!! lol

No where to ride close by. The Oregon BLM has closed us off practically. It's a crime. But when we come to the Jamboree, it'll get some miles on her! Can't hardly wait!!!!


No where to ride close by. The Oregon BLM has closed us off practically. It's a crime. But when we come to the Jamboree, it'll get some miles on her! Can't hardly wait!!!!

Blm is trying to close off places in Idaho too. It really sucks, they say they want to save the land & preserve it? Well, if no one gets to see it or use it, whats the sense? It should be protected, but not by keeping people off trails!! Most people don't abuse it, plus if they see someone abusing they tell them, or turn them in! We need to be able to see & use our beautiful mts, valleys,, I know you have plenty in or..


after my trip to Hanksville, I'm now at 7025 kilometers.


I have put 1700 miles on mine in six months, don't know how many KM that is. Now I'm starting to have problems with it. bummer

I have a Turbo and 30' itp Mud Lites, I made my own top, back, half doors and removeable windows, I installed a intake snorkel and sealed the area under the hood. I was very impressed with it at first but now I'm concerned about the reliability. I have owned two Rhinos and one Prowler, the Trooper is by far the best when it's running.


Blm is trying to close off places in Idaho too. It really sucks, they say they want to save the land & preserve it? Well, if no one gets to see it or use it, whats the sense? It should be protected, but not by keeping people off trails!! Most people don't abuse it, plus if they see someone abusing they tell them, or turn them in! We need to be able to see & use our beautiful mts, valleys,, I know you have plenty in or..

I agree; it's a crime what our government is doing. I think most off road enthusiasts actually really do care about open land. We don't want it to become "silt" either. I'm amazed that the state of Utah is so gracious with the natural landscape in letting people be "among" it's natural beauty. From where I live in Bend, Oregon all the way to the state pf Idaho is open land, and it's crazy to cut it all off to off roaders. I recently have started to get an interest in snowmobiles, and the government is also trying to cut off wilderness areas to snowmobiles! What are they gonna ruin; snow? It makes no sense! OK; my blood pressure is climbing again. I better back off. ;)


I agree; it's a crime what our government is doing. I think most off road enthusiasts actually really do care about open land. We don't want it to become "silt" either. I'm amazed that the state of Utah is so gracious with the natural landscape in letting people be "among" it's natural beauty. From where I live in Bend, Oregon all the way to the state pf Idaho is open land, and it's crazy to cut it all off to off roaders. I recently have started to get an interest in snowmobiles, and the government is also trying to cut off wilderness areas to snowmobiles! What are they gonna ruin; snow? It makes no sense! OK; my blood pressure is climbing again. I better back off. ;)

You need to run for political office, get things fixed? & watch your blood pressure then!!! lol

  • 4 weeks later...

i have about 928 miles on mine but the spedo hasn't worked in 2 years .

so your guess is as good as mine as to how many miles are on this thing .

i am heading for bc this weekend to torture it some more.


i have about 928 miles on mine but the spedo hasn't worked in 2 years .

so your guess is as good as mine as to how many miles are on this thing .

i am heading for bc this weekend to torture it some more.

I have 4260km now, had 950km on it in july,when I bought it. Isn't there lots of snow in BC yet? Where do you live?


i have about 928 miles on mine but the spedo hasn't worked in 2 years .

so your guess is as good as mine as to how many miles are on this thing .

i am heading for bc this weekend to torture it some more.

Not sure, but I think the odometer is in the computer, so when you get it working, you may have your mileage, unless your problem is that you're not getting a signal from the transmission.

I have 7025.1 Kilometers



my speedo hasn't worked since i welded the fenders on. i tried a new ecu and it still didn't work.

the snow is all gone in the crowsnest pass but there is still a lot of snow up on the rocks.

the snowpack is 178" yet, a little over 14feet

i live here in calgary

Guest Lenny

my speedo hasn't worked since i welded the fenders on. i tried a new ecu and it still didn't work.

the snow is all gone in the crowsnest pass but there is still a lot of snow up on the rocks.

the snowpack is 178" yet, a little over 14feet

i live here in calgary

A couple of years ago, I welded on mine and the speedo quit working. Switched it with one from my dealer and speedo worked ok. Extended warranty replaced it for me. Don't weld on it anymore without unplugging the computer.


  • 5 months later...

I just got back from a week at the dunes, showered, went through the mail and emails, read up on the forum, and dug up this thread,

I have 10202.8 Kilometers now. Tues thru Sun at the dunes and only got stuck once and no problems with the Trooper. YES!!!!!


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