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We stock a large inventory of new parts.We pick up the phone and try to help you get what you want.We are trying to work out with china for parts.We are going to get metalic brake pads.We should no in 5 to 7 weeks if they come thru with the brakes.We are trying to get EMPI to make axels for Troopers.I will let you know about brake pads when they get hear.I wanted to get shocks but no feed back from our customers.So we will try some thing else.May be 1650.is to low a price for 4 custom valved and dual rate springs direct from Afco.That just bolt on.

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We stock a large inventory of new parts.We pick up the phone and try to help you get what you want.We are trying to work out with china for parts.We are going to get metalic brake pads.We should no in 5 to 7 weeks if they come thru with the brakes.We are trying to get EMPI to make axels for Troopers.I will let you know about brake pads when they get hear.I wanted to get shocks but no feed back from our customers.So we will try some thing else.May be 1650.is to low a price for 4 custom valved and dual rate springs direct from Afco.That just bolt on.

Silverbullet I have called you and no limits ,edge power sport and Mc coy motorsport and I still can't get what I need you have been good to me look in the post on reliable dealers and I said you are a good dealer but you can only sell me what you can get and there are a lot of dealers that can't get alot of stuff

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To me JMC isn't going to make it in this business THEY SUCK you can call them they put you on hold then about 30 min. later they tell you there in a meeting It's been how many months and still no parts As a customer I would NEVER BUY ANOTHER JOYNER

Plumber, You say you have contacted the rest of the dealers and they were not able to help. What is it you need? Maybe someone on here can help?

rocmoc n AZ/Baja

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I too have had some problems communicating and finding out if a part is shipped or not, but I'm trying to be understanding about their problems with start up getting going. Like I mentioned to them in an email;

When you are up to your armpits in alligators, it's hard to remember your initial reason for being in the swamp was to drain the swamp!

After all, if not for JMC, who would we go to, the dealers? who would they go to?


Oh yea, if you do much mechanicing, you may want to get a circlip or 2 for the CV / stub axle out of the diff, I messed one of mine up and they are not out there any where!!!

Finally ended up using the old one after a little filing after trying to make one out of piano spring steel wire.

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First thing first You all know that I have not said anything bad about joyner before I like my trooper What I didn't like was how JMC was doing me I have been calling them all week I talk to the secretary she tell me to wait a minute put me on hold and never come back I call back she tell me to call backin 30 minutes I call back she tell me he's in a meeting I leave my phone number know one ever call back this went on all week long I had enough so I post this up on UTVBOARD And it did some good I took ricksrb advice and called Jeff Craig President of JMC and talk to him and he took care of me But I like to give a SPECIAL THANKS to BROSTAR for his help and support Kinarfi let this post stay up for a couple of days so everyone can see way I did it then delete it Thanks

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First thing first You all know that I have not said anything bad about joyner before I like my trooper What I didn't like was how JMC was doing me I have been calling them all week I talk to the secretary she tell me to wait a minute put me on hold and never come back I call back she tell me to call backin 30 minutes I call back she tell me he's in a meeting I leave my phone number know one ever call back this went on all week long I had enough so I post this up on UTVBOARD And it did some good I took ricksrb advice and called Jeff Craig President of JMC and talk to him and he took care of me But I like to give a SPECIAL THANKS to BROSTAR for his help and support Kinarfi let this post stay up for a couple of days so everyone can see way I did it then delete it Thanks

I will leave it up to delete any thing that you posted, griping is a valid post in my opinion.


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  • 1 month later...


We stock a large inventory of new parts.We pick up the phone and try to help you get what you want.We are trying to work out with china for parts.We are going to get metalic brake pads.We should no in 5 to 7 weeks if they come thru with the brakes.We are trying to get EMPI to make axels for Troopers.I will let you know about brake pads when they get hear.I wanted to get shocks but no feed back from our customers.So we will try some thing else.May be 1650.is to low a price for 4 custom valved and dual rate springs direct from Afco.That just bolt on.

King shocks makes shocks for t2,t4 $2,300 + - for shipping

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  • 2 weeks later...


We stock a large inventory of new parts.We pick up the phone and try to help you get what you want.We are trying to work out with china for parts.We are going to get metalic brake pads.We should no in 5 to 7 weeks if they come thru with the brakes.We are trying to get EMPI to make axels for Troopers.I will let you know about brake pads when they get hear.I wanted to get shocks but no feed back from our customers.So we will try some thing else.May be 1650.is to low a price for 4 custom valved and dual rate springs direct from Afco.That just bolt on.

I have called both no limit and silverbullet twice now and everytime i get the well we will check it out and call you back and that was over two weeks ago and still have not got a return phone call so they are not any better.

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  • 1 month later...

I can absolutly guarantee you that he would be the opposite of that. The new sherriff will be the best thing for Joyner in it's short history so far, for sure.

Cheers Mike.

Mike I think you misunderstood me when I say he better be a bad mother f *****I mean he better be good. let's hope the new sherriff will bring good thing to joyner

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Well, I Haven't said anything to give JMC a reasonable chance to do something. No dought that what they took over required a lot of good business sense to pull everything together properly and quickly. But that is what a good businessman does. It's been to long now and yet no parts support from what I can tell. Parts should have been the first thing they consentrated on. Forget the new models until the existing customers get properly taken care of. Existing owners are a bit of a different group. They are those people that are willing to think out of the box and not afraid to try something if it looks like it might be a better approach. You just can't get a product sucessfully into the market without having this first group being reasonably happy. Many other buyers won't buy something unless it's guarenteed from past reputation to be a good product, like a Honda for example. They give up the adventure of turning a different direction and always have to follow the crowds. Our group see things that aren't in the development of existing products yet, rather right or wrong. It's our group that are willing to be tough to problems here and there. We know we took a chance when we bought a Joyner but chose the adventure rather then the better security. We all really like what our Troopers are capable of and have enjoyed them alot despite the problems. I've said a long time ago that it's our group that can make or brake the product like. If we can get happy with everything then the next group, the less adventurous will be ready to buy. I feel our group is fundmental to the next group being willing to step up. JMC has left us feeling like they don't really care about existing customers. They have just plain dropped the ball. I was concerned when I went to the Joyner liquidation auction and JMC didn't buy much if anything at all despite prices being dog cheap. Like brake calipers with pads going for 50 cents each Or really nice commercial shelving units, expensive ones, going for $10 a piece. Casey looked at them and said they needed shelves but yet didn't step up and bid, even though he was standing right there. How about a semi truck load of canvis enclousers going for $600. Before the auction started, Casey told me that he could use a lot of the stuff because they had over 3000 back orders for parts. I'm not saying that Casey screwed up. He could only do what he was allowed to do however the new owner of JMC was also there so there isn't any excuse as far as I'm concerned for not having alot of parts available. JMC made a critical error in leaving us stranded but supposedly consentrating on new models. They didn't even take the time to comunicate on the forums to let us know what was going on, where things were at, what exectations looked like, nothing to give us a feeling of support. For the most part they have been completely silent. Let's hope the new sherrif has more business savy and the money to back it up.


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Just some info that I got when I called JMC this morning, talked to Stephanie and asked a few questions. My main concern was that the website, http://www.jmcmotors.us/ doesn't show any Joyner Vehicles. She said that their conversations with the Joyner Manufacturer aren't doing real well, but they are still trying and that orders that come from them seem to be what ever they want to send. The vehicles they have are from HSun. If any one has some good news about Joyner, I'd like to hear it, even if it's just a PM.


Hey Gman, It's not fair to say "new sheriff" and not explain, Plus you need to fill out you profile so we can all get to know you better and where you are so that if you're just hollering fire in a crowded theater to watch the ensuing stampede, we can come tar and feather you.

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Stephanie said “that their conversations with the Joyner Manufacturer aren't doing real well, but they are still trying and that orders that come from them seem to be what ever they want to send”. Ask yourself, “Why would a manufacture treat their main selling arm like that”? What Stephanie said is something she is told to say, when the reality is the manufactures have had enough and wont supply JMC anymore.

JMC are the bad guys here. Phone any Joyner dealer in the States and they will tell you where JMC went wrong. A couple of things the dealers did not like hearing is, JMC wanted large deposit payments up front for stock to sell and spare parts were going to be well over priced. Do you think the Dealers went along with this outrageous plan? That’s simple to answer, how many 2010 Joyner UTVs have you seen and how about the spare parts? None or bugger all! Joyner has lost a whole year through miss-management, but it cuts deeper than that, the Joyner good name has taken a big hit.

This is where you get your good news Kinarfi, it is going to take a good man & team to get the good name back and that’s just what we are getting and just as importantly, “spare parts”. You wont have to wait long.

Lenny, regarding Casey above, I think it’s a case of doing what he is told to do too. He “was” one of the go to guys and I feel that he would be most upset about how JMC has handled Joyner. I could be wrong, but I don’t think so.

Cheers Mike.

Is what I am getting from this is that we have/will have a new distributer or company to handle Joyner here in the USA? Also is Casey gone?

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Want to clear up a lot of B.S. from people. JMC is still in business. We are not going away. We survived the collapse of the Joyner factory in China. They took us for thousands of dollars in parts and vehicles that were never shipped.

Someone just called (but was too big of a coward to identify himself) to tell me how much we suck. Well guess what. I am not going to disagree. Up to now we have sucked in servicing our customers. We are a distributor. We can only sell what we can buy. We don't make anything here. The factory took our money and never delivered promised parts or vehicles. The guy who called claimed the factory was still in business and that we were the problem. Not so. Try to call or send an email to Changzhou Joyner and see what happens. If you do get someone to respond, let me know.

Over the next few months we will be re-stocking the Joyner parts inventory. We don't know if any Joyner vehicles will ever be built again. We are looking for a new manufacturer. We know there are a lot of upset people. Well you can count me as one.

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Mike: Changzhou Joyner, the manufacturer of the Joyner vehicles is out of business. They no longer exist. They took a hell of a lot of JMC's money with them when they went down. That is a fact. If you doubt that try reaching someone there. If you are successful, let me know.

A point of clarification. We never once ask a dealer to make a large (or any) deposit to stock and sell parts. That is absolutely untrue. I would challenge you to produce one dealer that can make that claim. We did ask for deposits for vehicles.

As to the reason why you don't see 2010's. The first is there is no manufacturer in existence to make them. We bought one 2010 Trooper which the manufacturer promised us was the new and improved 2010. It was a joke. They actually put a used engine in it. I have the pictures to prove it. The factory could not produce a minimally acceptable vehicle. We canceled our order for the Troopers and Renegades because it was clear the factory was making inferior products.

We have spent the last two months establishing a new parts supply chain for Joyners. We hope to have the parts in inventory within 60 days.

If you have any issues with what I am saying, please write back or call me at 480.253.1419. All I would ask is that you identify yourself and discuss things in a civil manner. I will answer any question you have.

Stephanie said “that their conversations with the Joyner Manufacturer aren't doing real well, but they are still trying and that orders that come from them seem to be what ever they want to send”. Ask yourself, “Why would a manufacture treat their main selling arm like that”? What Stephanie said is something she is told to say, when the reality is the manufactures have had enough and wont supply JMC anymore.

JMC are the bad guys here. Phone any Joyner dealer in the States and they will tell you where JMC went wrong. A couple of things the dealers did not like hearing is, JMC wanted large deposit payments up front for stock to sell and spare parts were going to be well over priced. Do you think the Dealers went along with this outrageous plan? That’s simple to answer, how many 2010 Joyner UTVs have you seen and how about the spare parts? None or bugger all! Joyner has lost a whole year through miss-management, but it cuts deeper than that, the Joyner good name has taken a big hit.

This is where you get your good news Kinarfi, it is going to take a good man & team to get the good name back and that’s just what we are getting and just as importantly, “spare parts”. You wont have to wait long.

Lenny, regarding Casey above, I think it’s a case of doing what he is told to do too. He “was” one of the go to guys and I feel that he would be most upset about how JMC has handled Joyner. I could be wrong, but I don’t think so.

Cheers Mike.

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Jeff, thanks for coming on and telling your side of the story. There are always two sides, so it’s only fair we hear yours.

There is no way I’m going to turn this into a big debate with you, so will keep it civil. You know what I think from reading this thread as does most people on UTV Boards.

What I will say is, I look at what you have achieved in just about one year and it’s not good reading. If your relationship is (or was)not good with the manufactures, then let somebody else have a go for the good of the brand and for the customers that are staved of parts. Or get cracking with importing parts.

The most important thing in this order is customers, parts, Dealers, relationship with the manufacture, stock, new models, accessories and advertising. Look after these in order and you will get paid back in ten-fold.

If everything you say is true (& I have had contact from the manufactures in recent times) then get the parts flowing as soon as you can. You are right about a deposit for parts, I meant a deposit for new stock only.

As for the abusive phone call, that’s a shame and there is no way I condone that behaviour, but it is fair to say that there are a lot of people who are very passionate for the Joyner brand.

Tell us more about your parts and when they will be available.

Cheers Mike.

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Joyner China is very much in business, contrary to Mr. Craig's post.

JMC is selling HiSun vehicles, which they have rebranded as JMC (Joyner Motor Company). Also sold under BennChe, Diamo, SunL, Roketa, Powersports Max, etc. names. Tons of less than reputable companies all selling the same machine.........Oh well.

Joyner is on it's way back to the USA in a big way.

Joyner owners, hang in there.


Ok, I'm new here and to Joyner too. But, Who are these people claiming to know inside info? Jeff ,I guess is with jmc? gman? who are you? Did I miss something? If so, sorry..,, Quig

PS, Hope gman is correct.

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Believe me, friend, Gman is correct.

I really hope so!! I love my joyner,want to keep it running, possibly buy new one if they make them. Was not doubting anyone just curious who everyone is, & where they get info? & why we can't know anything about the new members? So, hope to hear alot more real soon,, Thanks ,,,,Quig

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I really hope so!! I love my joyner,want to keep it running, possibly buy new one if they make them. Was not doubting anyone just curious who everyone is, & where they get info? & why we can't know anything about the new members? So, hope to hear alot more real soon,, Thanks ,,,,Quig

I'm with you Quig.Not only do we have a Gman telling us this info but we now have the new sherriff.Is he the "New Sherriff in town"?

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I know who Gman is and can back up what he has said too. I’m not sure who is posting under the name of “the sherriff” but know who the new Sheriff is. A little confusing, but there it is. All I can say is, that we are lucky to have them posting here and this is the best place to keep up-to-date with what’s going on.

I can confirm five facts.

1/ Joyner in China is still in business.

2/ Jeff is with JMC.

3/ Gman is correct.

4/ I know who Gman is but can not say, just yet.

5/ “the sherriff’s” post is factual

Jeff, your website looks really sharp and I mean that. The JMC 800 looks like a real beast as do some of the other UTVs and ATVs. Problem is you have no Joyners on there. I hope you do well with your new line of Side x Sides and who knows, you might even strike up a deal to sell them to some Joyner dealers, along side the Troopers and Renegades.

Joyner will continue into the future as I’m sure you will too, with what you have moved on to.

Cheers Mike.


Maybe you are correct but from those of us who dont have the insite you seem to have we have to be suppishih of anyone posting messages under fictious names claiming to know it all.How you know who the "Gman" is I dont know but that does not make it credible with all do respect.I do hope things work out well but we heard this before when the "New Sherriff" came riding in to rescue the joyner product earlier this year.We all heard what a big difference there would be and what a great new product would be coming our way by this time,look we we are...Again no disrespect to you but Be carefull how you stick your neck out.

Cheers to you,


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I'll leave that to the new sheriff to answer if & when he takes over. As for Casey, I can't answer that, but we all know he is a Joyner man through and through.

Cheers Mike.

Hi everyone I just joined this site tonight and been doing alot of reading, I thought everything was going good for JMC, now I know why I cannot see the new trooper online. I guess I have been away for 2 long. I hope that Casey isnt gone!!! he was awesome to deal with, better then anyone else there when it was joyner. I have 2 Troopers and 1 Viper and love all of them, I hope that everything gets together for JMC so all of us as customers can enjoy a good thing, and that is to see the USA with our Joyners.

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Mike: First of all thank you for your fair and constructive dialogue. I appreciate it. I don't know how anyone can trust the cowards who come on here and make silly statements hiding behind screen names, never willing to identify themselves. First, I wanted to let all of you know that Casey is still and will remain with us. We have spent the last month going to the individual suppliers of Joyner parts. We are rebuilding our inventory of Joyner parts and will continue to offer them. We have a container or parts that will arrive the first part of December. I will be more specific as to the date when we get closer.

As far as we know the Joyner factory is closed. We have been told that by our Chinese representative that actually went to the factory and saw the gates chained. The phones are disconnected. Emails are never answered. The Joyner factory may yet come back to life. We hope they do. All I know at this point in time is that we have heard nothing from them.

Here is the history for those of you that are interested in the truth. After Team Joyner went bankrupt we came in and hired the former employees and signed a new distribution agreement with Changzhou Joyner Recreational Vehicles, the manufacturer. By the way, we have NO association with the old Team Joyner. We complied with every provision of the agreement. CJR could not live up to its financial obligations under the agreement. The first new (supposedly improved) 2010 Trooper we purchased from them was completely unacceptable from a quality stand point. As I mentioned in a prior post, they installed a used engine in what was sold as new vehicle. While CJR assured us of their financial health, we later learned they were in serious trouble. It was not all their fault. Last January Team Joyner took delivery of about $650,000 of vehicles they never paid for. They never recovered from that.

We hear they are trying to make a comeback and we wish them luck. While we lost a lot of money trying to bring the Joyner vehicles back, we have moved on. We will still offer the Joyner parts we can source and sell the HSUN and other vehicles.

Anyone one who wishes to can contact me at 480.253.1419

Jeff Craig


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