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I have terminated my connection with Joyner.


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This afternoon (NZ time) I have decided to stop importing Joyner in New Zealand. This especially includes any spare parts and for that I feel bad for my customers over here that need them. The decision has not come lightly, but it’s one I’m forced to make. I wish the guys at Joyner USA Inc. all the best as I do all the Joyner dealers that gone through so much pain in the 18 months or so. These are good Joyner people and hope you Joyner owners will carry on supporting them. I admire them for staying loyal and hope the brand takes off again. A lot of hard work has gone into the new Joyner models, in particularly by Ken Morris. I just hope the manufactures don’t stuff it up :unsure: .

I too am very loyal to the brand, but can no longer entertain the thought doing any business with the Joyner manufactures for reasons I’ll keep to myself, for now.

Take care you guys & gals and for those going to the Jamboree have a bloody good time and stay safe.

Ka kite anō


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Well. don't know what to say? But make sure you stay in contact on forum, have enjoyed visiting with you, & appreciated your help! Please continue to visit on forum,, Hope everything else is going ok in your life,, wish you the best,, friend always,,Quig,,from Idaho

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Thank you all for your kind words. It really was a painful decision but I really had no choice. I still love the Joyner brand and that’s one good reason to move on now and keep those memories.

One of the other reasons that I have come to this decision is the continuation of the earthquakes that are slowly killing our economy. Another two big ones this week feel on the same day and another 150 commercial buildings destroyed. We are witnessing the death of Christchurch and we as a nation can afford it. All that been said, that’s not the main reason I have called it quits, not even close.

It would be impossible not to continue popping into UTV Boards every day for a look and don’t worry, I’m not going to disappear from here. After all, I have to keep up my contacts to get spare parts for my Trooper. Oh the irony in that.

Cheers Mike.

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Rick I have advised my customers to try Joyner Australia, only because he is the closest, but I never hear anything from him after I have sent emails. I’ve even supplied one of his customers with parts because he can’t be bothered. I really need to make sure my ex-customers are looked after as there is no way I will leave them in the lurch and will go all out to source parts for them. Thanks for your offer and will mention your name as enquiries come in. I am working on something concerning Joyner parts, so we will see how this works out.

I really feel bad for my customers and to be honest, that's probably the main reason I’ve kept going for the last six months.

Cheers Mike.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This afternoon (NZ time) I have decided to stop importing Joyner in New Zealand. This especially includes any spare parts and for that I feel bad for my customers over here that need them. The decision has not come lightly, but it’s one I’m forced to make. I wish the guys at Joyner USA Inc. all the best as I do all the Joyner dealers that gone through so much pain in the 18 months or so. These are good Joyner people and hope you Joyner owners will carry on supporting them. I admire them for staying loyal and hope the brand takes off again. A lot of hard work has gone into the new Joyner models, in particularly by Ken Morris. I just hope the manufactures don’t stuff it up :unsure: .

I too am very loyal to the brand, but can no longer entertain the thought doing any business with the Joyner manufactures for reasons I’ll keep to myself, for now.

Take care you guys & gals and for those going to the Jamboree have a bloody good time and stay safe.

Ka kite anō


Goodluck to you Mike, looking forward to see you on this forum again, I hope that everything will work out for you !!! Goodluck in what ever you do.


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