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    • If you already replaced the stator and the pickup coil make sure that all your connection are connected. Crank it over by the starter motor and hook up the wires  from the stator to your test meter to determine if power is coming out of the stator, then check the coil to determine if your are getting power.
    • I purchased a 2008 American Sportsworks Subaru TW265 UTV, with no manual and no previous knowledge. When idling, the steer column shakes uncontrollably, is very noisy, and might be from vibrations from the engine. Logically, I am thinking engine vibration moving up the steering column. I found a schematic, but that has not helped in identifying the specific problem. Any thoughts? Suggestions? Thanks so much
    • Glad to see you return and report solution.helps the next guy..👍
    • I thought Kioti discontinued this model, and only make the K9?
    • Have a Coleman UTV 400 that cranks, runs, drives well until it gets warm and is put under load.  Light throttle or full throttle it doesn't bog, but it will cut out mid throttle if you move the pedal quicker than it seems to like for example when you're getting ready to go up a hill, but if you immediately floor it, it will do just fine and not cut out.  It's random if and when it's going to do it, but is consistent in that it happens only when hot/full operating temperature.  I've replaced the injector twice, same with the spark plug and tried different heat ranges (NGK 7,8 and 8 iridium), replaced the fuel pump, adjusted the valves, checked air filter which is like new, changed the oil, replaced the fuel filter.  No check engine light.  I don't have a code reader for this.  Initially I thought it might have a head or head gasket issue as when I got it, the oil was over full, very runny like water milky and it was smoking.  I've changed the oil since then twice to clear and clean everything out, and it seems to be good.  Coolant stays the same level and so does oil with no changes in consistency or need for adding more. Had I think 7-9 miles when I got it and now has about 77.  What should I try or consider next?  
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