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  3. Thank you for adding me, I am the owner of a 2021 axis 700 UTV and also a 2023 Can-Am defender UTV
  4. Heating and cooling of the plastic is probably the culprit. The expansion and contraction of the plastic while being held tightly with mounting screws, in my opinion will make this happen. I purchase a 2022 a couple months ago, New and it had the same issue. Tracker warrantied the bed as well as two cracked panels where the passengers step into the back seats.
  5. another aussie with an e1 looking to change the batteries! this thread is tops, so thanks to everyone who's shared details looks like litime will be decent and reasonably easy to get (ebay or direct from them). the relion are only available at rj batteries, and they don't publish prices online which is pretty crappy also I posted about my experience a few years ago if anyone is interested -
  6. Don't do it had problems from day one 2021 axis 700 UTV starter clutch gear went I don't even think there's 30 miles on it it's been sitting cannot find the part anywhere ordered one from eBay it was the wrong one don't do it you can't get the parts for it anymore
  7. Last week
  8. Just got a 2024 Odes Junglecross 800 cc four door 5 seater today. Feel free to share advice on longevity tips and common failures of this model. AR
  9. THe UTV has Massimo T Boss 550 labeled on it. I don't see Coleman anywhere but they could be made by the same folks. The display is digital and only shows metric values for speed and odometer. I found some instructions before that were somewhat bizarre. Now that I am ready to try it I can't find them. It has been very difficult to get it nailed down.
  10. when you plug in the charger does it start charging? Just thinking this could help you know if you have something not connected correctly. So mine did this same thing. I had started with the swap b/c my dry cells which were always an issue, would no longer charge they were giving an error. turns out the inline fuse was blown. When i get home i will take a picture of my wiring so you can see if you missed anything. there is a spare ground and positive wire in the mix that is needed for the cart to come online.
  11. Just going to follow-up on this one. I turned the fuel/air screw out 1/4 a turn (counterclockwise) and the hesitation is all but gone. Might do another 1/4 turn rid it completely. She needed more fuel.
  12. Hello everyone! First of all I would like to thank you for the help with my timing problem, it was the chain. Now I’m looking for the part number for the wet clutch baring. I’ve been looking for it but my side by side is a 2022 t-boss 550 and it’s not the same as a 2021. Can anyone help me please? thank you in advance again.
  13. #1 While troubleshooting an issue with temp warning light I discovered another temp switch mounted in the pipe going to the head The two switches are literally 6 inches apart. Does anyone know what this third switch is used for? If i can figure out how I will post pictures. Author #2 Finally got the pictures took. See the photo and tell me if you know what the switch on the right is. It looks to be factory and I know the girl who bought it new and she didn't install it. I can't find anything on it in any manual i have looked at. Any help would be appreciated.
  14. Obviously a little hard to troubleshoot without seeing what you have set up, but regarding the additional wires, since each battery is in the 48V class it doesn't matter which battery you connect them to as long as you keep the + and - straight like before. Just guessing, but if you don't have them connected right now you may not be getting power due to a controller power issue. Other than that all I can offer is to recheck the connections and make sure the 12v battery is still good.
  15. Ok I need some help. I purchased the LiTime 48v (51,2V) GC230Ah batteries mentioned above and charged them up. I reprogrammed the onboard charger to the 233 profile and have reconnected the batteries in parallel. However I am getting no power at all. Which batteries did you connect the additional ground wire and power wire that were connected to the original dry cells? The positive cable to the UTV is connected to a positive post on the last or first battery in the sequence. The black negative I was asking is connected to the opposite end of the battery series. So again I have all the cables connected neg to neg and pos to pos. Not sure what I have done wrong here. Thanks for any insights
  16. Finally got the pictures took. See the photo and tell me if you know what the switch on the right is. It looks to be factory and I know the girl who bought it new and she didn't install it. I can't find anything on it in any manual i have looked at. Any help would be appreciated.
  17. Look at it this way. We are still driving utv's like there is no tomorrow, eating good food and discovering new pain meds every day, I have 10 grandkids and I feel totally wealthy even though I don't have any money. I still wouldn't trade it for the world. Family is what it is all about.
  18. Naaaaa What would we have to talk about now My motto always was "Here , hold my beer . Watch this "
  19. 7:44 The inventor of the treadmill died at the age of 54. The inventor of gymnastics died at the age of 57. The world bodybuilding champion died at the age of 41. The best footballer in the world, Maradona, died at the age of 60. James Fuller Fixx, credited with helping start America's fitness revolution by popularizing running, died of a heart attack while jogging at age 52. However ... The Kentucky Fried Chicken inventor died at 94. Cigarette maker Charles Winston died at the age of 102. The inventor of opium died at the age of 116, not even of natural causes but in an earthquake. And, the Hennessey whiskey creator died at 98. How did smart people come to the conclusion that exercise prolongs life? The rabbit is always jumping up and down, but it lives for only two years, and the turtle, that doesn't exercise at all, lives for 200 years. Oh yes of course, Hugh Hefner died at 90 on the job ( or shortly thereafter) So in 2024 chill, stay cool, eat, drink and enjoy your life.
  20. IF we knew we were gonna live this long, we would taken better care of ourselves😄
  21. Dang I hope I never get that old. You old geezers……..wait dang it I am that old. How’d it go so fast?
  22. Welcome! I too am from NC. I live in shelby, about halfway between Charlotte and Asheville. Had a 2020 tracker 800sx crew and now have a 2020 honda talon 1000x-4
  23. While troubleshooting an issue with temp warning light I discovered another temp switch mounted in the pipe going to the head The two switches are literally 6 inches apart. Does anyone know what this third switch is used for? If i can figure out how I will post pictures.
  24. I have a 2023 AXIS 500 need some help locating diagnostics port. Don’t have any problems with the machine at this time just trying to familiarize myself for the eventual repair work. I found a Delphi Connector inside next to passenger seat tried it but couldn’t connect and then found an unknown connector type that is black outside red inside with rubber cap under hood on firewall. Does anyone know this connectors name or is this not the port I need. Thanks Mike
  25. Earlier
  26. Yeah my buddy had some slightly used 27" stags 8 ply I got a real good deal on, happy
  27. Looking good! I went with 8ply Tusk Terrabites. It definitely made a difference with ground clearance
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      So how do I get a set for the bushings? Previous owner used duck tape on all arms......I was wondering why isn't was so squirrely🤣 but how/where do I get the bushings and how much it cost? I was told I have a 2015 joyner sand spider 650cc....I don't think it's that new but that's what he said
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