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Everything posted by Travis

  1. That's a good idea!! Halogen light.😁
  2. Cree makes EXCELLENT L.E.D's. I had on of their LED flashlights for awhile, but the switch button quit working. But it was B R I G H T! https://www.amazon.com/TMH-Motorbike-Motorcycle-Excavator-Bulldozer/dp/B00C0SQ8KG The only downside to the light bar, it could run down the battery. NOT SURE Though.
  3. Welcome! Hope you made it through Irma alright!?
  4. What kinda Info ya need? Ask @strike250 he is a hisun owner.
  5. Well, he messaged me back and said he got it pulled apart... PLUS, I was just SUGGESTING WHAT MIGHT be the cause of it sticking. I told him i did not know. Try thinking before you type? And some show of a "good moderator" by cursing a member out! at least get the guts to do it in Private messages! but that doesn't stop him from wasting our time reading his dribble. Its your choice whether you read it or not.
  6. Yeah, that might be a little too much. is it a 610?
  7. Im just wondering what they are more commonly used for in general? Ive never heard of them.
  8. Welcome Aboard Matias! Can Ams are perty good machines.
  9. Tomorrow (Or today, depending whenever you read this) Marks the 16th anniversary of 9/11, that day of the vicious attack on American soil, NEARLY 3,000 innocent people lost their lives. only since then have a little over 1,000 victims have been identified. Let us never forgot all the brave men and woman who have fought and died to protect and preserve this Great Nation! Though other nations have suffered greatly with terror attacks, we have been blessed enough to have a STRONG military, and a great president. And thanks to all the Firemen, Policemen, and military members, we can ride our UTV's with out any worries! GOD bless AMERICA
  10. Could be something wrong with inlet (Fuel) valve on the head not opening far enough...
  11. Well, when i first joined here, i read story titled Massimo's are POS. Have you contacted Massimo about it?
  12. Do not use car batteries. Too many cranking amps. can fry ur starter possibly. Could be u need a new generator coil.
  13. Maybe this can help? https://www.manualslib.com/manual/1089940/Hisun-Hs800utv.html?page=103
  14. Message @strike250, he has a hisun
  15. It sounds like the timing could be off. Seems like it's not firing very strong. I'd contact Hisun about it.
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